RE: Mistype a URL? M$N knows what you typed.

From: Dan Heskett (danat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 11:50:19 PST

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    Hello Darren and List,
    This feature is known as "Autosearch".  Even a cursory search for details on
    it through Microsoft's site or Google would have returned this knowledge
    base article (Q221754):
    The article details how it works, why they have it, and how to configure it.
    If you want to disable its pretty simple: open the search paine in IE, click
    the 'Customize' button, click click the 'Autosearch' button and choose 'Do
    Not Search from the Address bar'.  This will eliminate the traffic.  You can
    confirm this by using snort or any decent personal firewall.
    Many people (especially newbies) find this feature very handy.
    Additionally, you can configure this handy feature to go to your favorite
    search engine.
    --dan heskett
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Darren Reed [mailto:avalonat_private]
    Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 7:42 PM
    To: bugtraqat_private
    Subject: Mistype a URL? M$N knows what you typed.
    If you've ever used IE and typed in "" into the path, you
    will end up at a web page generated by an MSN web site.  How did I
    get this, you ask?  Well, you definately cannot find anything in the
    "Internet Options" panels which lets you configure this.  If you
    fire up regedit, under
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search
    you will find "CustomizeSearch" and "SearchAssistant".  Unless you
    want all of the URLs which fail to resolve in domain names to be
    handed off to MSN.  Furthermore, there are cookies involved with
    these web sites.  These "helpers" appear to only be used when there
    are no proxies enabled but it would be a nice if there was an easier
    way to stop Microsoft knowing every bad URL that gets typed, etc,
    by those with no proxy.
    FWIW, for me CustomizeSearch defaults to:{SUB_RFC1766}/srchasst/srchcust.htm
    and SearchAssistant to:{SUB_RFC1766}/srchasst/srchasst.htm

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