Bypassing libsafe format string protection

From: Wojciech Purczynski (cliphat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 02:35:04 PST

  • Next message: Steve Beattie: "Re: [VulnWatch] Bypassing libsafe format string protection"

    Hash: SHA1
    Name:		libsafe
    Version:	up to 2.0-11
    Author:		Wojciech Purczyński <cliphat_private>
    Date:		March 14, 2002
    Libsafe provides ineffective protection against format string exploit
    attacks that may be trivially bypassed.
    The libsafe library protects a process against the exploitation of buffer
    overflow vulnerabilities in process stacks. Libsafe works with any
    existing pre-compiled executable and can be used transparently, even on a
    system-wide basis. The method intercepts all calls to library functions
    that are known to be vulnerable. A substitute version of the corresponding
    function implements the original functionality, but in a manner that
    ensures that any buffer overflows are contained within the current stack
    frame. Libsafe has been shown to detect several known attacks and can
    potentially prevent yet unknown attacks.
    Libsafe protection against format string exploits may be easily bypassed
    using flag characters that are implemented in glibc but are not
    implemented in libsafe. 
    These flags definied in SUSv2 are not defined in C standard (quoting from
    printf(3) manpage):
           '      For decimal conversion (i, d, u, f, F,  g,  G)  the
                  output  is  to  be grouped with thousands' grouping
                  characters if the locale information indicates any.
                  Note  that  many  versions of gcc cannot parse this
                  option and will issue a warning.   SUSv2  does  not
                  include %'F.
           I      For decimal integer conversion (i, d, u) the output
                  uses the locale's alternative output digits, if any
                  (for example, Arabic digits).  However, it does not
                  include any locale definitions with such  outdigits
                  defined. (glibc 2.2 only)
    Example exploit:
    	printf("%'n", &target);
    	printf("%In", &target);
    Libsafe *printf function wrappers incorrectly parse argument indexing in
    format strings. They always assume that the n-th conversion specification
    uses n-th argument and does not properly count real number of arguments
    used. Thus, arguments, whose index numbers are above the total number of
    conversion specifications, are not verified at all.
    Example exploit:
    	printf("%2$n", "unused argument", &target);
    Total number of % format string used: 1 ("%2$n")
    Number of argument used: 2 
    On March 18, 2002 new version of libsafe 2.0-12 has been released fixing
    above security issue.
    - -- 
    Wojciech Purczynski
    iSEC Security Research
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