RE: Citrix vulnerability disclosure/bug reports contact

From: Arian J. Evans (arian.evansat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 20 2002 - 17:21:48 PST

  • Next message: Obscure: "Re: Excite Email Disclosure Vulnerability"

    > Does anyone know where to send citrix bug reports?
    Citrix prefers official support to go through either
    a channel reseller (CCA/CCEA's at VARs can open calls),
    or direct calls from someone with a support contract.
    support@ and security@ are valid email addresses at
    Citrix, but seldom responded to IME.
    For general issues/bug reports, Citrix will direct you
    to their public support forum:$All)?OpenView
    <*personal experiences w/Citrix*>
    I ran into several security quirks regarding application
    authentication issues while beta-testing nFuse, and had
    no luck getting Citrix support to address them, other
    than open a case and never respond. FWIW, I was at a Citrix
    VAR at that time and had direct support, and still made
    no difference. I have not used nFuse since it went 1.0,
    so I can provide no further input.
    You can contact their support directly at: 800-424-8749
    if you wish to pursue further; YMMV.
    I called Citrix support directly on this tonight and
    could find no one who had an answer on what to do with
    a vulnerability disclosure, other than posting it in
    their public forums. I got transferred until disconnected,
    called back, and was then put on hold for over 30 mins
    until I hung up. That's all the effort I'm willing to
    put out for them. Good luck; responsible reporting.
    Arian J. Evans
    Citrix CCA Winframe, Metaframe
    and other sheepskins

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