Re: move_uploaded_file breaks safe_mode restrictions in PHP

From: sesserat_private
Date: Thu Mar 21 2002 - 01:55:18 PST

  • Next message: hellNbak: "Re: NMRC Advisory - KeyManager Issue in ISS RealSecure"

    first of all i want to clearify, that move_uploaded_file isn't breaking
    safe_mode restrictions. move_uploaded_file lacked an openbasedir check.
    That feature was added on the request of tozz. move_uploaded_file was
    able to move files to directories writeable for the apache user because
    of some other bug (, that was fixed several days before the bugreport)
    that was not within move_uploaded_file but in some other place.
    Beside that: maybe you can tell me where the apache user has write
    access to (beside /tmp) on a properly configured system?
    This bug only allows to create new files, it is not possible to
    write to already existing files. So the whole "security" impact on
    a properly configured system is in my eyes that a customer is able
    to fill the harddisk.
    Stefan Esser

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