Re: Cisco Security Advisory: Solaris /bin/log vulnerability

From: Charles M. Richmond (cmrat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 12 2002 - 05:11:59 PDT

  • Next message: Francesco Pacaccio: "R: MS02-018"

    This is not a new vulnerability. Sun put out a patch for this in early
    January. It is a bug in the O/S, but given Sun's much more proactive
    response, perhaps Cisco is being a somewhat less responsive and a little
    too hard on Sun in their notification below. Specifically, one has to
    wonder why, Cisco does not refer to the patches from Sun rather than
    claim that, "This vulnerability can be mitigated in many cases (not all), 
    by limiting interactive logins to trusted hosts using access control list 
    (ACL) or other mechanisms such as firewalls."
    Has Cisco modified the Solaris /bin/login and is that why they are not
    recommending Sun's patch.
    Charles Richmond
    This advisory describes a vulnerability that affects Cisco products and
    applications that are installed on the Solaris operating system, and is
    based on the vulnerabilty of an common service within the Solaris operating
    system, not due to a defect of the Cisco product or application. A
    vulnerability in the "/bin/login" program was discovered that enables an
    attacker to execute arbitrary code under Solaris OS. This vulnerability was
    discovered and publicly announced by Internet Security Systems Inc. All
    Cisco products and applications that are installed on Solaris OS are
    considered vulnerable to the underlying operating system vulnerability,
    unless steps have been taken to disable access services such as "bin/login".
    We are investigating other Solaris based products.
    This vulnerability can be mitigated in many cases (not all), by limiting
    interactive logins to trusted hosts using access control list (ACL) or
    other mechanisms such as firewalls.
    This advisory is available at the
    Products Affected
    All products and all releases that are running on top of Solaris OS are
    vulnerable because the vulnerability is within Solaris and not within the
    other applications.
    *  Charles Richmond    Integrated International Systems Corporation   *
    *  cmrat_private   cmrat_private   cmrat_private   *
    *  UNIX Internals, I18N, L10N, X, Realtime Imaging, and  Custom S/W   *
    *         131 Bishop's Forest Drive , Waltham , Ma. USA 02452         *
    *  (781) 647 2269   FAX (781) 647 3665   Cellular (781) 389 9777      *

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