[[ TH 026 Inc. ]] SA #1 - Multiple vulnerabilities in PVote 1.5

From: Daniel Nyström (exceat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 17 2002 - 18:03:02 PDT

  • Next message: FreeBSD Security Advisories: "FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:21.tcpip"

                Telhack Security Advisory - #1
    Name: PVote 1.5b
    Impact: Minor (Content manipulation, Script admin)
    Date: April 18 / 2002
    Daniel Nyström <exceat_private>
    _I N F O_
    PVote is a PHP voting system. It uses MySQL to hold all information about
    the system.
    Author has been notified of all three problems described in this advisory.
    _P R O B L E M_
    A lot of the scripts in the PVote package do not properly check who the
    userare and
    therefore lets anyone add or delete polls at any time. Also, there exist a
    vulnerability that
    lets anyone change the Admin password or set it to null.
    _I M P A C T_
    Minor, as content manipulation aint to bad after all. Just a little bit
    _E X P L O I T I N G_
    These 'Add/Del' and 'Admin change pass' vulns. can all be exploited from a
    web browser by a
    basic GET requests that might look something like these:
    Question is the question:) o1-o4 are the options.
    Pollorder is the poll 'id' number. It can be found by stepping thru poll.php
    to find the id as shown below:
    and then increase pollorder (pollorder=2) and so on until you find what you
    Again we are allowed to change stuff without having to authenticate in
    If we just wanna fuck with the admin we may just enter this:
    As it sets both newpass and confirm to "" it sets the pass to "". This thing
    have been avoided by just adding a line of code that required you to submit
    the old pass to be able to change.
    _F I X E S_
    Many of the scripts in this package needs some kind of secure
    authenticationmethod that stops users
    from behaving badly >:) and I think it is up to the author(s?) to fix that.
    But until then, I would recommend removing the package.
    /Daniel Nyström a.k.a excE @ Telhack 026 Inc.
    http://www.telhack.com <- page temporarily down.

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