Re: Microsoft Security Bulletin - MS02-020

From: Bronek Kozicki (brokat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 19 2002 - 11:45:18 PDT

  • Next message: BrainRawt .: "Another Faq-O-Matic XSS Vuln?"

    > As a work around to the problem you point out you could deny the account
    > you run the service under "Set Value" on this key only
    > (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSSQLServer).
    > There is no value in this key that the account would need to modify once
    > setup....
    > You should do the SQLAgent service if you are running that under the
    > same or other non-priv account.
    Good point. I received reports that SQL Server actually do not need write
    access to its service configuration - after its setup, everything works
    somoothly with read-only access (thanks, Craig). I guess that full access is
    necessary so 'sa' may change service account from within mmc.exe (SQL
    Enterprise Manager). It's clear example of functionality going before
    security (or maybe backward compatibility killing security ?) . Microsoft
    SQL team have this issue on desk, I hope they will act upon it.

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