Cisco Security Advisory: NTP vulnerability

From: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team (psirtat_private)
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 09:38:48 PDT

  • Next message: Ulf Harnhammar: "CRLF Injection"

    Cisco Security Advisory: NTP Vulnerability
    Revision 1.0
    For Public Release 2002 May 08 16:00 (UTC+0000)
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Network Time Protocol (NTP) is used to synchronize time on multiple
    devices. A vulnerability has been discovered in the NTP daemon query
    processing functionality. This vulnerability has been publicly announced.
    The following products are identified as affected by this vulnerability:
      * All releases of Cisco IOS software
      * Media Gateway Controller (MGC) and related products
      * BTS 10200
      * Cisco IP Manager
    Other Cisco software applications may run on Solaris platforms and where
    those products have not specifically been identified, customers should
    install security patches regularly in accordance with their normal
    maintenance procedures.
    Cisco is continuing to research this issue in other products that may be
    affected. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all other products are
    considered to be not affected.
    The workarounds for this vulnerability are described in the Workarounds
    This advisory is available at
    Affected Products
    The following products are affected:
      * All releases of Cisco IOS software
      * Media Gateway Controller (MGC) and related [DEL: :DEL]products, they
        encompass the following products:
          + SC2200
          + Cisco Virtual Switch Controller (VSC3000)
          + Cisco PGW2200 Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Gateway
          + Cisco Billing and Management Server (BAMS)
          + Cisco Voice Services Provisioning Tool (VSPT)
      * BTS 10200
      * Cisco IP Manager
    Other Cisco software applications may run on Solaris platforms and where
    those products have not specifically been identified, customers should
    install security patches regularly in accordance with their normal
    maintenance procedures.
    Cisco is continuing to research this issue in other products that may be
    affected. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, all other products are
    considered to be not affected.
    By sending a crafted NTP query packet it is possible to trigger a buffer
    overflow in the NTP daemon. This vulnerability can be exploited remotely.
    The successful exploitation may cause arbitrary code to be executed on the
    target machine. Such exploitation, if it is possible at all, would require
    significant engineering skill and a thorough knowledge of the internal
    operation of Cisco IOS software or SUN Solaris operating system.
    To the best of our knowledge this vulnerability cannot cause arbitrary code
    to be executed on Cisco IOS and SUN Solaris.
    The vulnerability is present regardless of the role played by the device.
    The device may be an NTP server or client and it will still be vulnerable.
    For IOS, this vulnerability is documented as Cisco Bug ID CSCdt93866.
    The main repository of NTP software and all other information regarding
    NTP, can be found at
    The successful exploitation may cause arbitrary code to be executed on the
    target machine. More often an attempt to exploit this vulnerability will
    result in a daemon or device crash.
    Cisco IOS
        It has been publicly announced on the Bugtraq list that certain IOS
        11.x images can be crashed by exploiting this vulnerability (for the
        original report, see
        Our tests were unable to confirm this finding, however, a potential for
        the vulnerability exists. In our tests, IOS continued normal operation
        with no apparent impact.
        It is possible that a certain combination of hardware and IOS software
        may crash under some circumstances. In that case, the repeated
        exploitation of this vulnerability will lead to the denial of service.
    MGC and Related Products
    Cisco IP Manager
    BTS 10200
        The xntpd daemon that is used as a part of the Solaris installation is
        By exploiting this vulnerability it is only possible to crash the xntpd
        itself. According to the available information, it seems that it is not
        possible to execute the arbitrary code.
    Software Versions and Fixes
    MGC and Related Products
    - -------------------------
    MGC and related products are running on three different Solaris versions.
    Solaris 2.5.1
        The patch has not been released by Sun.
    Solaris 2.6
        For the software running on Solaris 2.6, the patch is available within
        the CSCOh007.pkg package. This package can be downloaded from but you must be a
        registered user and be logged in.
    Solaris 2.8
        The patch for this vulnerability is included on the installation disks.
        No further actions are needed.
    Cisco IP Manager
    BTS 10200
    - ----------
    The customers should install the latest Recommended Solaris Patch Cluster
    available from 
    Cisco IOS
    - ----------
    Each row of the following table describes a release train and the platforms
    or products for which it is intended. If a given release train is
    vulnerable, then the earliest possible releases that contain the fix and
    the anticipated date of availability for each are listed in the Rebuild,
    Interim, and Maintenance columns. A device running any release in the given
    train that is earlier than the release in a specific column (less than the
    earliest fixed release) is known to be vulnerable, and it should be
    upgraded at least to the indicated release or a later version (greater than
    the earliest fixed release label).
    When selecting a release, keep the following definitions in mind:
            Most heavily tested and highly recommended release of any label in
            a given row of the table.
            Constructed from the previous maintenance or major release in the
            same train, it contains the fix for a specific defect. Although it
            receives less testing, it contains only the minimal changes
            necessary to affect the repair.
            Built at regular intervals between maintenance releases and
            receives less testing. Interim releases should be selected only if
            there is no other suitable release that addresses the
            vulnerability, and interim images should be upgraded to the next
            available maintenance release as soon as possible. Interim releases
            are not available via manufacturing, and usually are not available
            for customer download from CCO without prior arrangement with the
            Cisco TAC.
    In all cases, customers should exercise caution to be certain the devices
    to be upgraded contain sufficient memory and that current hardware and
    software configurations will continue to be supported properly by the new
    release. If the information is not clear, contact the Cisco TAC for
    assistance as shown in the Obtaining Fixed Software section.
    More information on IOS release names and abbreviations is available at
    |         |   Image or    |                                  |
    |  Train  |   Platform    | Availability of Fixed Releases*  |
    |         |  Description  |                                  |
    | 11.0-based Releases and | Rebuild | Interim* | Maintenance |
    |         Earlier         |         |    *     |             |
    |  10.3   | Multiple      | End of Engineering               |
    |         |releases and   |----------------------------------|
    |         | platforms     | Upgrade recommended              |
    |  11.0   | Multiple      | End of Engineering               |
    |         |releases and   |----------------------------------|
    |         | platforms     | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    |  11.1   | Major release | End of Engineering               |
    |         |for all        |----------------------------------|
    |         | platforms     | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    | 11.1AA  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 11.1CA  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended              |
    | 11.1CC  |               |         |          | 11.1(36)CC2 |
    | 11.1CT  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0ST    |
    | 11.1IA  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    |  11.2   | Major release |         |          | 11.2(26a)   |
    |         | for all       |         |          |             |
    |         | platforms     |         |          |             |
    | 11.2BC  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    |  11.2F  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    | 11.2GS  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    |  11.2P  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    | 11.2SA  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0W     |
    | 11.2WA4 |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0W     |
    | 11.2XA  |               | End of Engineering               |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    |   11.3-based Releases   | Rebuild | Interim* | Maintenance |
    |                         |         |    *     |             |
    |  11.3   | Major release | End of Engineering               |
    |         |for all        |----------------------------------|
    |         | platforms     | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    | 11.3AA  | ED for dial   | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         | platforms and |                                  |
    |         | access        |                                  |
    |         |servers:       |----------------------------------|
    |         | 5800, 5200,   | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    |         | 5300, 7200    |                                  |
    |         |               |                                  |
    | 11.3DA  | Early         | End of Engineering               |
    |         | deployment    |                                  |
    |         |train for ISP  |----------------------------------|
    |         | DSLAM 6200    | Upgrade recommended to 12.1DA    |
    |         | platform      |                                  |
    | 11.3DB  | Early         | End of Engineering               |
    |         | deployment    |                                  |
    |         | train for ISP |                                  |
    |         | /Telco/PTT    |                                  |
    |         | xDSL          |                                  |
    |         |broadband      |----------------------------------|
    |         | concentrator  | Upgrade recommended to 12.1DB    |
    |         | platform,     |                                  |
    |         | (NRP) for     |                                  |
    |         | 6400          |                                  |
    |         |               |                                  |
    | 11.3HA  | Short-lived   | End of Engineering               |
    |         | ED release    |                                  |
    |         |for ISR 3300   |----------------------------------|
    |         | (SONET/SDH    | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    |         | router)       |                                  |
    | 11.3MA  | MC3810        | End of Engineering               |
    |         |functionality  |----------------------------------|
    |         | only          | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 11.3NA  | Voice over    | End of Engineering               |
    |         |IP, media      |----------------------------------|
    |         | convergence,  | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    |  11.3T  | Early         | End of Engineering               |
    |         |deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | major         | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    | 11.3XA  | Introduction  | End of Engineering               |
    |         |of uBR7246     |----------------------------------|
    |         | and 2600      | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(18)  |
    | 11.3WA4 | LightStream   | End of Engineering               |
    |         |1010           |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.0WA    |
    |   12.0-based Releases   | Rebuild | Interim* | Maintenance |
    |                         |         |    *     |             |
    |  12.0   | General       |         | 12.0     | 12.0(18)    |
    |         | Deployment    |         | (17.6)   |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    | 12.0DA  | xDSL support: | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |6100, 6200     |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(7)   |
    |         |               | DA2                              |
    | 12.0DB  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED) release, | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(5)   |
    |         | which         | DB2                              |
    | 12.0DC  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED) release, | Upgrade recommended to 12.1DC    |
    |  12.0S  | Core/ISP      | 12.0    | 12.0     | 12.0(18)S   |
    |         | support: GSR, | (15)S6  | (17.6)S  |             |
    |         | RSP, c7200    |         |          |             |
    | 12.0SC  | Cable/        | 12.0    |          | 12.0(16)SC  |
    |         | broadband     | (15.6)  |          |             |
    |         | ISP: uBR7200  | S1      |          |             |
    | 12.0SL  | 10000 ESR:    | 12.0    |          |             |
    |         | c10k          | (17)SL2 |          |             |
    | 12.0ST  | Cisco IOS     | 12.0    | 12.0     |             |
    |         | software      | (17)ST1 | (17.6)ST |             |
    |         | Release       |         |          |             |
    |         | 12.OST is an  |         |          |             |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | (ED) release  |         |          |             |
    |         | for the Cisco |         |          |             |
    |         | 7200, 7500/   |         |          |             |
    |         | 7000RSP and   |         |          |             |
    |         | 12000 (GSR)   |         |          |             |
    |         | series        |         |          |             |
    |         | routers for   |         |          |             |
    |         | Service       |         |          |             |
    |         | Providers     |         |          |             |
    |         | (ISPs).       |         |          |             |
    |  12.0T  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): VPN,    | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    |  12.0   | Catalyst      |         | 12.0(16) | 12.0(16)W5  |
    | (13)W5  | switches:     |         | W5       | (21)        |
    |  (19c)  | cat8510c,     |         | (20.35)  |             |
    |         | cat8540c,     |         |          |             |
    |         | c6msm,        |         |          |             |
    |         | ls1010,       |         |          |             |
    |         | cat8510m,     |         |          |             |
    |         | cat8540m      |         |          |             |
    |  12.0   | Catalyst      |         | 12.0     | 12.0(18)W5  |
    | (10)W5  | switches:     |         | (17.6)W5 | (22a)       |
    |  (18g)  | cat2948g,     |         | (21.16)  |             |
    |         | cat4232       |         |          |             |
    |  12.0   | Catalyst      |         |          | 12.0(18)W5  |
    | (14)W5  | switches:     |         |          | (22)        |
    |  (20)   | cat5000ATM    |         |          |             |
    | 12.0WC  |               | 12.0(5) |          |             |
    |         |               | WC2     |          |             |
    | 12.0WT  | cat4840g      | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |               |----------------------------------|
    |         |               | Upgrade to be determined         |
    | 12.0XA  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XB  | Short-lived   | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |early          |----------------------------------|
    |         | deployment    | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XC  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XD  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XE  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(8a)E |
    | 12.0XF  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XG  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XH  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XI  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XJ  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0(5) | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |   XK    |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0(7) | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |   XK    |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(4)   |
    | 12.0XL  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XM  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.0(5)   |
    |         | platforms     | YB4                              |
    |         |               | Availability date to be          |
    |         |               | determined                       |
    | 12.0XN  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XP  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.0WC    |
    | 12.0XQ  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(9)   |
    | 12.0XR  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.0XS  | Early         | End of Engineering               |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(8a)E |
    | 12.0XU  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.0WC    |
    | 12.0XV  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(4)   |
    |   12.1-based Releases   | Rebuild | Interim* | Maintenance |
    |                         |         |    *     |             |
    |  12.1   | General       |         | 12.1     | 12.1(9)     |
    |         | deployment    |         | (8.1)    |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    | 12.1AA  | Dial support  |         |          | 12.1(9)AA   |
    | 12.1CX  | Core/ISP      |         |          | 12.1(7)CX   |
    |         | support: GSR, |         |          |             |
    |         | RSP, c7200    |         |          |             |
    | 12.1DA  | xDSL support: | 12.1(7) |          |             |
    |         | 6100, 6200    | DA2     |          |             |
    | 12.1DB  | Cisco IOS     |         |          | 12.2(2)B    |
    |         | Software      |         |          |             |
    |         | Release 12.1  |         |          |             |
    |         | (1)DB         |         |          |             |
    |         | supports      |         |          |             |
    |         | Cisco s 6400  |         |          |             |
    |         | Universal     |         |          |             |
    |         | Access        |         |          |             |
    |         | Concentrator  |         |          |             |
    | 12.1DC  | Cisco IOS     |         |          | 12.2(2)B    |
    |         | Software      |         |          |             |
    |         | Release 12.1  |         |          |             |
    |         | (1)DC         |         |          |             |
    |         | supports      |         |          |             |
    |         | Cisco s 6400  |         |          |             |
    |         | Universal     |         |          |             |
    |         | Access        |         |          |             |
    |         | Concentrator  |         |          |             |
    |  12.1E  | Core/ISP      | 12.1    | 12.1     | 12.1(8a)E   |
    |         | support: GSR, | (7a)E2  | (8.5)E   |             |
    |         | RSP, c7200    |         |          |             |
    | 12.1EC  | 12.1EC is     | 12.1    | 12.1     | 12.1(7)EC   |
    |         | being offered | (6.5)   | (8.5)EC  |             |
    |         | to allow      | EC3     |          |             |
    |         | early support |         |          |             |
    |         | of new        |         |          |             |
    |         | features on   |         |          |             |
    |         | the uBR7200   |         |          |             |
    |         | platform, as  |         |          |             |
    |         | well as       |         |          |             |
    |         | future        |         |          |             |
    |         | support for   |         |          |             |
    |         | new Universal |         |          |             |
    |         | Broadband     |         |          |             |
    |         | Router        |         |          |             |
    |         | headend       |         |          |             |
    |         | platforms.    |         |          |             |
    | 12.1EX  | Catalyst 6000 |         |          | 12.1(8a)E   |
    |         | support       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1EY  | Cat8510c,     |         |          | 12.1(6)EY   |
    |         | Cat8510m,     |         |          |             |
    |         | Cat8540c,     |         |          |             |
    |         | Cat8540m,     |         |          |             |
    |         | LS1010        |         |          |             |
    | 12.1EZ  | Early         | 12.1(6) |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    | EZ2     |          |             |
    |         | (ED): special |         |          |             |
    |         | image         |         |          |             |
    |  12.1T  | Early         | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    | T9      |          |             |
    |         | (ED): VPN,    |         |          |             |
    |         | Distributed   |         |          |             |
    |         | Director,     |         |          |             |
    |         | various       |         |          |             |
    |         | platforms     |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XA  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.1XB  | Early         |         |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | (ED): limited |         |          |             |
    |         | platforms     |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XC  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.1XD  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.1XE  | Early         |         |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | (ED): limited |         |          |             |
    |         | platforms     |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XF  | Early         | 12.1(2) |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    | XF4     |          |             |
    |         | (ED): 811 and |         |          |             |
    |         | 813 (c800     |         |          |             |
    |         | images)       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XG  | Early         |         |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | (ED): 800,    |         |          |             |
    |         | 805, 820, and |         |          |             |
    |         | 1600          |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XH  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.1XI  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.1XJ  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(5)   |
    |         | platforms     | YB4                              |
    | 12.1XK  | Early         |         |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | (ED): limited |         |          |             |
    |         | platforms     |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XL  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(3)   |
    | 12.1XM  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | XM4     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XP  | Early         | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | Deployment    | YB4     |          |             |
    |         | (ED): 1700    |         |          |             |
    |         | and SOHO      |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XQ  | Short-lived   | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |early          |----------------------------------|
    |         | deployment    | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(1b)  |
    | 12.1XR  | Short-lived   | End of Engineering               |
    |         |early          |----------------------------------|
    |         | deployment    | Migrate recommended to 12.1(5)   |
    |         | release       | YD2                              |
    | 12.1XS  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | XS2     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XT  | Early         | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): 1700    | Upgrade recommended to 12.1(5)   |
    |         | series        | YB4                              |
    | 12.1XU  | Early         | End of Engineering               |
    |         |Deployment     |----------------------------------|
    |         | (ED): limited | Upgrade recommended to 12.2(2)XA |
    | 12.1XV  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | XV3     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XW  | Short-lived   | Not Scheduled                    |
    |         |early          |----------------------------------|
    |         | deployment    | Upgrade recommended to 12.2DD    |
    | 12.1XX  | Short-lived   |         |          |             |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XY  | Short-lived   |         |          |             |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1XZ  | Short-lived   |         |          |             |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1YA  | Short-lived   |         |          |             |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1YB  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | YB4     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1YC  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | YC1     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1YD  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | YD2     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.1YF  | Short-lived   | 12.1(5) |          |             |
    |         | early         | YF2     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    |   12.2-based Releases   | Rebuild | Interim* | Maintenance |
    |                         |         |    *     |             |
    |  12.2   | General       |         | 12.2     | 12.2(3)     |
    |         | deployment    |         | (1.1)    |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    |  12.2B  | General       |         | 12.2     | 12.2(2)B    |
    |         | deployment    |         | (3.4)B   |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    | 12.2PB  | General       |         | 12.2     |             |
    |         | deployment    |         | (3.4)BP  |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    | 12.2PI  | General       |         | 12.2     |             |
    |         | deployment    |         | (1.1)PI  |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    |  12.2S  | General       |         | 12.2     |             |
    |         | deployment    |         | (1.4)S   |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    |  12.2T  | General       |         | 12.2     | 12.2(4)T    |
    |         | deployment    |         | (2.2)T   |             |
    |         | release for   |         |          |             |
    |         | all platforms |         |          |             |
    | 12.2XA  | SPLOB         | 12.2(2) |          |             |
    |         |               | XA1     |          |             |
    | 12.2XD  | Short-lived   | 12.2(1) |          |             |
    |         | early         | XD1     |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.2XE  | Short-lived   |         |          | 12.2(1)XE   |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.2XH  | Short-lived   |         |          | 12.2(1)XH   |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    | 12.2XQ  | Short-lived   |         |          | 12.2(1)XQ   |
    |         | early         |         |          |             |
    |         | deployment    |         |          |             |
    |         | release       |         |          |             |
    |                           Notes                            |
    | * All dates are estimates and subject to change.           |
    |                                                            |
    | ** Interim releases are subjected to less rigorous testing |
    | than regular maintenance releases, and may have serious    |
    | bugs.                                                      |
    Obtaining Fixed Software
    Cisco is offering free software upgrades to remedy this vulnerability for
    all affected customers. Customers may only install and expect support for
    the feature sets they have purchased.
    Customers with service contracts should obtain upgraded software through
    their regular update channels to any software release containing the
    feature sets they have purchased. For most customers, this means that
    upgrades should be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's
    worldwide website at
    Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through prior or
    existing agreement with third-party support organizations such as Cisco
    Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers should contact that
    support organization for assistance with the upgrade, which should be free
    of charge.
    Customers who purchased directly from Cisco but who do not hold a Cisco
    service contract, and customers who purchase through third party vendors
    but are unsuccessful at obtaining fixed software through their point of
    sale, should obtain fixed software by contacting the Cisco Technical
    Assistance Center (TAC). In those cases, customers may only upgrade to a
    later version of the same release as indicated by the applicable row in the
    Software Versions and Fixes table.
    Cisco TAC contacts are as follows:
      * +1 800 553 2447 (toll-free from within North America)
      * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
      * e-mail: tacat_private
    See for
    additional TAC contact information, including special localized telephone
    numbers and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various languages.
    Please have your product serial number available and give the URL of this
    notice as evidence of your entitlement to a free upgrade. Free upgrades for
    non-contract customers must be requested through the TAC.
    Please do not contact either "psirtat_private" or
    "security-alertat_private" for software upgrades.
    Cisco IOS
    - ----------     
        There are a few methods available to lower the exposure. You can
        combine these methods or use them individually.
      * Prevent IOS from processing NTP queries at all. No other NTP function
        is affected by this. This can be accomplished by adding the following
        statement into the configuration:
        ntp access-group serve-only
      * Use NTP with authentication. You must enable this feature on all
        participating peers and servers. You can enable it in IOS as follows:
        ntp authentication-key 20 md5 your_NTP_key
        ntp authenticate
        ntp trusted-key 20
        Note: The key must be the same on all participating peers and servers.
      * It is possible to mitigate the exposure by using ACLs and dropping all
        NTP packets that are not from the legitimate servers. This can be
        accomplished as follows:
        access-list 10 permit
        access-list 10 permit
        access-list 10 deny any any
        ntp access-group peer 10
        In the above example, and are addresses of peers or
        servers from which NTP packets will be accepted.
      * Additionally, if you are not using NTP servers external from your
        network, you can drop all NTP packets on the network boundary. This can
        be done by the ACL as follows:
        access-list 101 deny udp any any eq ntp
    For more detailed information regarding individual commands and additional
    examples, please refer to the following documentation:
    MGC and Related Products
    Cisco IP Manager
    BTS 10200
    - ----------
        Although the workaround was posted on the Bugtraq list we recommend
        installing the patch provided.
        The users must follow the installation instructions that are part of
        the patch.
    Exploitation and Public Announcements
    This vulnerability was discovered by Przemyslaw Frasunek and it has been
    posted on the Bugtraq list on 2001-April-04. The full text of the mail can
    be seen at:
    Our initial response has been sent to Bugtraq on 2001-April-12 and can be
    seen at
    Status of This Notice: FINAL
    This is a final notice. Although Cisco cannot guarantee the accuracy of all
    statements in this notice, all of the facts have been checked to the best
    of our ability. Cisco does not anticipate issuing updated versions of this
    notice unless there is some material change in the facts. Should there be a
    significant change in the facts, Cisco may update this notice.
    A standalone copy or paraphrase of the text of this security advisory that
    omits the distribution URL in the following section is an uncontrolled
    copy, and may lack important information or contain factual errors.
    This notice will be posted on Cisco's Worldwide Web site at http:// In addition to Worldwide Web
    posting, a text version of this notice is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT
    PGP key and is posted to the following e-mail and Usenet news recipients:
      * cust-security-announceat_private
      * bugtraqat_private
      * first-teamsat_private (includes CERT/CC)
      * ciscoat_private
      * firewallsat_private
      * Various internal Cisco mailing lists
    Future updates of this notice, if any, will be placed on Cisco's Worldwide
    Web server, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing lists or
    newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to check the
    URL given above for any updates.
    Revision History
    |Revision |2002-May-08 16:00    |Initial public   |
    |1.0      |UTC+0000             |release          |
    Cisco Security Procedures
    Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
    products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering to
    receive security information from Cisco, is available on Cisco's Worldwide
    Web site at
    This includes instructions for press inquiries regarding Cisco security 
    All Cisco Security Advisories are available at
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    This notice is Copyright 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc. This notice may be
    redistributed freely after the release date given at the top of the text,
    provided that redistributed copies are complete and unmodified, and include
    all date and version information.
    - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Version: PGP 6.5.3
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed May 08 2002 - 14:03:22 PDT