CRLF Injection

From: Ulf Harnhammar (ulfhat_private)
Date: Mon May 06 2002 - 15:12:10 PDT

  • Next message: Philippe Biondi: "[CARTSA-20020402] Linux Netfilter NAT/ICMP code information leak"

    CRLF Injection
    by Ulf Harnhammar
    "They crowded up to Lenin with their noses worn off / A handshake is worthy
    if it's all that you've got"
    -- R.E.M., "Harborcoat"
    Carriage Return (CR, ASCII code 13) and Line Feed (LF, ASCII code 10) are
    two commonly used non-printing ASCII characters. Like many other useful
    concepts in the world of computing, those characters and the treatment of
    them have got security implications, particularly when they occur in
    untrusted input.
    Log files consist of log entries, separated by LF, CRLF or just CR. If the
    CR and LF characters are not removed from the input that is used to create
    each log entry, we can make the log file change line and then create an
    additional fake log entry.
    As an example, let's say that we have a log file with a date field, a user
    field and a comment field, like this:
    2002-04-30 hans One log entry
    2002-05-01 ulf Another log entry
    If data is stored in that log file by the Perl statement:
    print LOG "$date $user $comment\n";
    and the $comment variable is not checked for CR and LF characters, we can
    add this additional fake entry:
    2002-05-01 root This is serious!
    by giving $comment the value "Another log entry\n2002-05-01 root This is
    serious!". At the same time that the "Another log entry" entry above is
    created, the program also creates the fake log entry.
    Many network protocols used on the Internet define that a client should send a
    CRLF combination after each command that it sends to a server. If the CR and
    LF characters are not removed from the input that is used to put together the
    commands, we can send off several commands at the same time, where all but the
    first one are made up by us and just passed on.
    The POP3 protocol uses the commands "RETR x" to retrieve messages and "DELE
    x" to delete them. If the client program constructs the command to retrieve a
    message with a "RETR $msg\015\012" string, and the $msg string is not checked
    for CR and LF characters, we can read message 1 while deleting message 2 by
    giving $msg the value "1\015\012DELE 2". This will send the commands:
    RETR 1
    DELE 2
    to the server.
    The NNTP protocol uses the commands "ARTICLE x" to retrieve messages and
    "POST" to post them. If the client program constructs the command to retrieve
    a message with an "ARTICLE $id\015\012" string, and the $id string is not
    checked for CR and LF characters, we can read one message while silently
    posting another one.
    Both of these cases have the following structure: "<KEY><SEP><VAL><NL>",
    where <KEY> might be "DELE", <SEP> is " ", <VAL> might be "1", and <NL> is
    CRLF. If the <VAL> field comes from user input and is allowed to contain the
    types of data found in the <KEY>, <SEP> and <NL> fields, the flaw exists.
    E-mail headers, news headers and HTTP headers all have the structure
    "Key: Value", where each line is separated by the CRLF combination.
    HTTP defines a "Location:" header for redirecting to another URL, and a
    "Set-Cookie:" header to set cookies. By embedding CR and LF characters in user
    input, web scripts can be fooled into setting a cookie from their own web
    server while redirecting to another site. If the script constructs the
    redirect with a "Location: $url\015\012" string, and the $url string is not
    checked for CR and LF characters, we can redirect to a site while setting a
    cookie by giving $url the value
    "\015\012Set-Cookie: evil=natas". If the cookie
    contains important data and one user can save URL's that another user will be
    redirected to, this can be serious.
    Using the same technique, an e-mail system can reveal identities of people who
    were meant to be anonymous. Let's say that we have a system where users can
    send e-mails to other users, but where the recipients' real e-mail addresses
    are hidden. If we are allowed to give the value of one mail header ourselves,
    like the "Subject:" header, and it is not checked for CR and LF characters, we
    can include a CRLF combination and then a "Bcc:" field with our own e-mail
    address in that "Subject:" header. At the same time that the message is sent
    to the recipient, it will also be silently sent to us, thus revealing the
    recipient's identity.
    These cases also have the structure "<KEY><SEP><VAL><NL>" as described above.
    <KEY> might be "Subject", <SEP> is ": ", <VAL> might be "CRLF Injection", and
    <NL> is CRLF.
    In some types of programs, this flaw may be a fatal blow to the program's
    security. In other cases, this may just be a small bug with low priority. It
    all depends on whether this flaw allows the user to do something he or she
    should not be able to do.
    // Ulf Harnhammar

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