Re: dH team & SECURITY.NNOV: special device access, information leakage and DoS in Outlook Express

From: Chad Loder (cloderat_private)
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 02:38:16 PDT

  • Next message: Andrew Clover: "Re: Update and comments on the MS02-023 patch, holes still remain"

    At Wednesday 5/15/2002 03:11 PM +0400, you wrote:
    > Title: Special device access and DoS in Microsoft Internet
    >        Exporer/Outlook Express/Outlook
    > All  versions  of  Windows have a reserved filenames referred to special
    > devices such as prn, aux, nul, etc also called DOS devices.
    This might be related to a vulnerability that was reported to Microsoft
    on Mar 7 2001. See the BugTraq post:
    The META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH tag used to do the trick
    from Outlook and other email clients using the MS
    HTML viewer (e.g. Eudora). Redirecting to file://C:\PRN
    was sufficient to hang the browser or email client.
    Microsoft assigned the following internal tracking
    number to the issue: "MSRC 673au", and fixed it in
    MS00-17. Obviously they didn't do a good enough
    job, since you guys found a way to print files, etc. :)
    Another scary thing is that you can cause the computer to connect
    to arbitrary UNC paths, which as you know, involves sending
    NetBIOS credentials over the wire (a good reason to use egress
    Chad Loder <chadat_private>
    Rapid 7, Inc.

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