SRT Security Advisory (SRT2002-06-04-1711): SCO crontab

From: zillion (zillionat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 04 2002 - 14:32:08 PDT

  • Next message: Sun Security Coordination Team: "Sun Security Bulletin #00219"

    Strategic Reconnaissance Team Security Advisory (SRT2002-06-04-1611)
    Topic  : SCO OpenServer crontab format string vulnerability
    Date   : June 04, 2002
    Credit : KF dotslash[at]
    Site   :
    .: Description:
     The SCO OpenServer crontab application is installed setgid cron and
     can be used to schedule execution of programs and scripts.
     This implementation of crontab contains a format string vulnerability
     which can be used to execute code in order to elevate privileges:
     $ crontab %x%x%x%x
     crontab: cannot open file 8047f08804a5578047cd48047cd4
     Due to the nature of crontab it is very likely that ones 'cron' group
     privileges have been obtained it is possible to get higher privileges
    .: Impact:
     Local users can elevate their privileges trough this vulnerability.
    .: Systems Affected:
     SCO/Caldera OpenServer 5.0.6
    .: Solution:
     The vendor was notified and is diligently working on a fix. Until such
     a fix has been made available disable crontab or deny access from
     untrusted sources to the affected systems.

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