bugtraq 2002/06
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Starting: Sat Jun 01 2002 - 15:59:38 PDT
Ending: Sat Nov 23 2002 - 00:08:32 PST
- (more) Advanced SQL Injection
- 2 security problem Quantum SNAP server
- 4D 6.7 DOS and Buffer Overflow Vulnerability
- @stake advisory: Multiple Red-M 1050 Blue Tooth Access Point Vulnerabilities
- [AP] Cisco vpnclient buffer overflow
- [AP] YaBB Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability
- [ARL02-A12] PHP(Reactor) Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
- [ARL02-A13] Multiple Security Issues in GeekLog
- [ARL02-A14] ZenTrack System Information Path Disclosure Vulnerability
- [ARL02-A15] Multiple Security Issues in MyHelpdesk
- [BUGZILLA] Security Advisory For Versions of Bugzilla 2.14 Prior To 2.14.2, 2.16 Prior To 2.16rc2
- [Bypassing JavaScript Filters - the Flash! Attack]
- [CERT-intexxia] mmftpd FTP Daemon Format String Vulnerability
- [CERT-intexxia] mmmail POP3-SMTP Daemon Format String Vulnerability
- [CLA-2002:491] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - tcpdump
- [CLA-2002:494] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - bind
- [CLA-2002:500] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - openssh
- [CLA-2002:502] Conectiva Linux Security Announcement - openssh
- [DER #11] - Remotey exploitable fmt string bug in squid
- [ESA-20020607-013] Remote buffer overflow in imap daemon
- [ESA-20020619-014] 'apache' chunk handling overflow vulnerability
- [ESA-20020625-015] openssh: introduce privilege separation into sshd
- [LBYTE] Ruslan Communications <BODY>Builder SQL modification
- [LoWNOISE] ImageFolio Pro 2.2
- [LSD] IRIX rpc.xfsmd multiple remote root vulnerabilities
- [OpenPKG-SA-2002.004] OpenPKG Security Advisory (apache)
- [OpenPKG-SA-2002.005] OpenPKG Security Advisory (openssh)
- [RHSA-2002:083-22] Ghostscript command execution vulnerability
- [RHSA-2002:089-07] Relaxed LPRng job submission policy
- [RHSA-2002:097-08] Updated xchat packages fix /dns vulnerability
- [RHSA-2002:099-04] Updated mailman packages available
- [RHSA-2002:100-03] Updated mailman packages available
- [RHSA-2002:103-13] Updated Apache packages fix chunked encoding issue
- [RHSA-2002:105-09] Updated bind packages fix denial of service attack
- [RHSA-2002:127-18] Updated OpenSSH packages fix various security issues
- [SECURITY] Remote exploit for 32-bit Apache HTTP Server known
- [slackware-security] new apache/mod_ssl packages available
- [slackware-security] New OpenSSH packages available
- [SNS Advisory No.54] Active! mail Executing the Script upon the Opening of a Mail Message Vulnerability
- [sp00fed packet] Whois vulnerability
- A different type of sniffer: Hafiye
- A DoS against IE in W2K and XP? You Make the Call...
- Acrobat reader 4.05 temporary files
- Acrobat reader 5.05 temp file insecurity
- Administrivia: Recent list delays
- ADVISORY: Windows 2000 and NT4 IIS .HTR Remote Buffer Overflow [AD20020612]
- AdvServer DoS
- ALERT: Lil'HTTP Server (Summit Computer Networks)
- ALERT: Xitami 2.5b5
- AlienForm2 CGI script: arbitrary file read/write
- Another cgiemail bug
- Another small DoS on Mozilla <= 1.0 through pop3
- Another small metacharacter bug in Penguin Traceroute v1.0
- Apache Chunked Vulnerability on Many Dell Servers running NT?
- Apache Exploit
- Apache httpd: vulnerability with chunked encoding
- Apache httpd: vulnerability...]
- Apache mod_ssl off-by-one vulnerability
- Apache Vulnerability through a Proxy?
- Apache Web Server Chunk Handling vulnerability on IRIX
- Apache worm in the wild
- apache-scalp.c
- apache-worm.c
- BadBlue Web Server v1.7.0 Directory Contents Disclosure
- BasiliX multiple vulnerabilities
- blowchunks - protecting existing apache servers until upgrades arrive
- blowchunks)
- Broken PMTUD in FreeBSD?
- Buffer overflow in MSIE gopher code
- bugtraqat_private list issue: NcFTPd
- bugtraqat_private list issues
- Catalyst 4000 - Cisco's Response
- Caucho Resin Path Disclosure
- CBMS: XSS and SQL Injection holes
- CERT VU #803539
- CGIscript.net - csNews.cgi - Multiple Vulnerabilities
- Cisco Security Advisory: Buffer Overflow in UNIX VPN Client
- Cisco Security Advisory: Cable Modem Termination System Authentication Bypass
- Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco ONS15454 IP TOS Bit Vulnerability
- Cisco Security Advisory: Scanning for SSH Can Cause a Crash
- Cluestick Advisory #000
- Cluestick Advisory #001
- ColdFusion MX Cross Site Scripting vulnerability
- cqure.net.20020521.netware_nwftpd_fmtstr
- CSS vulnerabilities in IMP 3.0
- DeepMetrix LiveStats javascript injection
- Directory Traversal in Wolfram Research's webMathematica
- Does the libc (BIND-4) resolver bug affect MS DNS too?
- DoS on irssi 0.8.4
- Double clicking on MS Office documents from Windows Explorer may execute arbitrary programs in some cases
- DPGS allows any file to be overwritten
- eDonkey 2000 ed2k: URL Buffer Overflow
- efstool local root exploit
- Ending a few arguments with one simple attachment.
- Entercept Ricochet Security Advisory: Solaris snmpdx Vulnerabilities
- External access to Netgear RP114 "firewall"
- Fixed version of Apache 1.3 available
- Flawed workaround in MS02-027 -- gopher can run on _any_ port, not just 70
- Follow-up on Lumigent Log Explorer 3.xx extended stored procedures buffer overflow
- Follow: ZyXEL 642R-11 AJ.6 service DoS -- additional informations
- Fore/Marconi ATM Switch 'land' vulnerability
- Format String bug in TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD
- Formatstring Vulnerability in decfingerd 0.7
- Foundstone Advisory - Buffer Overflow in AnalogX SimpleServer:Shout (fwd)
- FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:28.resolv
- GOBBLES Reflection on the msn666 Hole
- H2K2 "Hacker" conference July 12-14 in New York City
- Half-life fake players bug
- Half-life fake players bug (update)
- How to reproduce OpenSSH Overflow.
- IE 5.-6 CSS parsing error
- IGMP denial of service vulnerability
- Implications of Apache vuln for Oracle
- IRIX nveventd vulnerability
- IRIX pmpost vulnerability
- IRIX rpc.passwd vulnerability
- IRIX talkd vulnerability
- IRIX xfsmd vulnerability
- ISS Advisory clarification
- ISS Advisory: OpenSSH Remote Challenge Vulnerability
- ISS Advisory: Remote Compromise Vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server
- ISS Apache Advisory Response
- ISS X-Force response (fwd)
- KPMG-2002019: BlackICE Agent not Firewalling After Standby
- KPMG-2002020: Resin view_source.jsp Arbitrary File Reading
- KPMG-2002021: Resin Large Parameter Denial of Service
- KPMG-2002024: Apache Tomcat Path Disclosure
- KPMG-2002025: Apache Tomcat Denial of Service
- Lumigent Log Explorer 3.xx extended stored procedures buffer overflow
- madcr: QnX 4.25 - multiples bof in suid/no suid files
- malicious PHP source injection
- malicious PHP source injection in phpBB
- Mandrake 8.2 msec security issue
- MDKSA-2002:039 - apache update
- MDKSA-2002:039-1 - apache update
- MDKSA-2002:039-2 - apache update (revised)
- MDKSA-2002:040 - openssh update
- MediaMail vulnerability
- Metacart vuln.
- Mewsoft Auction, PHP Classifieds and eFax.com - CrossSiteScripting issues
- Microsoft FrontPage vs Composer Netscape...
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 'Folder View for FTP sites' Scrip t Execution vulnerability
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 'Folder View for FTP sites' Script Execution vulnerability
- Microsoft RASAPI32.DLL
- Microsoft releases critical fix that breaks their own software!
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 OpenDataSource Buffer Overflow (#NISR19062002)
- Microsoft SQL Server 2000 pwdencrypt() buffer overflow
- MIME::Tools Perl module and virus scanners
- MIME::Tools Perl module and virus scanners)
- More ELF Buggery
- MSN666 "backdoor"
- nCipher Advisory #3: MSCAPI keys erroneously module-protected - update
- nCipher Advisory #4: Console Java apps can leak passphrases on Windows
- NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-005: OpenSSH protocol version 2 challenge-response authentication
- NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-006: buffer overrun in libc DNS resolver
- New Paper - Violating Database Enforced Security Mechanisms
- New script-kiddie looking scan
- Noguska Nola 1.1.1 [ Intranet Business Management Software ]
- Now Online OWASP Guide to Building Secure Web Applications
- OpenBSD 3.1 sshd remote root exploit
- OpenSSH Security Advisory (adv.iss)
- OpenSSH vulnerability
- Oracle Reports Server Buffer Overflow (#NISR12062002B)
- Oracle TNS Listener Buffer Overflow (#NISR12062002A)
- Part II: Vulnerability in 3Com® OfficeConnect® Remote 812 ADSL Router
- PFinger Buffer Overflow Vulnerability.
- PHP source injection in osCommerce
- phpsquidpass: unauthorized user deleting
- Pine 4.44 Privacy Patch
- Pirch 98 Link Handling Buffer Overflow
- Possible problems with patch MS02_025 for Exchange 2000
- Problem with IP reporting - Belkin Cable/DSL router
- procmail heap overflow
- Reminder Announcement - CSICON.NET
- Remote Apache 1.3.x Exploit
- Remote buffer overflow in resolver code of libc
- Remote Compromise Vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server
- Remote DoS in AnalogX SimpleServer:www 1.16
- remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0
- Remote Hole in IRC Client and Stuff
- Revised OpenSSH Security Advisory (adv.iss)
- RHmask
- rlimits and non overcommit (was: Very large font size ...)
- Salescart vuln.
- SeaNox Devwex - Denial of Service and Directory traversal
- Security holes in LokwaBB and W-Agora
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-024.0] Volution Manager: Directory Administrator password in cleartext
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-025.0] Linux: tcpdump AFS RPC and NFS packet vulnerabilities
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-026.0] Linux: ghostscript arbitrary command execution
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-027.0] Linux: fetchmail imap message count vulnerability
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-028.0] Linux: dhcpd dynamic DNS format string vulnerability
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-029.0] Linux: Apache Web Server Chunk Handling Vulnerability
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-030.0] Linux: OpenSSH Vulnerabilities in Challenge Response Handling
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.23] Open UNIX 8.0.0 UnixWare 7.1.1 : ftpd allows data connection hijacking via PASV mode
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.24] Open UNIX 8.0.0 : BIND 9 Denial-of-Service vulnerability
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.25] OpenServer 5.0.5 OpenServer 5.0.6 : snmpd denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.26] OpenServer 5.0.6a : squid compressed DNS answer message boundary failure
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.27] UnixWare 7.1.1 Open UNIX 8.0.0 : ppptalk root privilege vulnerability
- Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.30] UnixWare 7.1.1 Open UNIX 8.0.0 : dtprintinfo buffer overflow with Help search
- SECURITY.NNOV: Courier CPU exhaustion + bonus on imap-uw
- Self-Executing HTML: Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0
- Sensitive IM Security - MSN Message Sniffing
- Sharity Cifslogin Buffer Overflow (arguments)
- SHOUTcast 1.8.9 bufferoverflow
- Shoutcast Admin password bruteforce tool
- Simple Wais 1.11 allows users to execute commands as SWAIS deamon.
- simpleinit root exploit - file descriptor left open
- Solaris 8 Screensaver Issue
- Solaris 8 Screensaver Issue?
- solaris lpd thing
- Some vulnerabilities in the Telindus 11xx router series
- Source Injection into PHPAddress
- Splatt Forum XSS
- sql injection in Logisense software
- SRT Security Advisory (SRT2002-06-04-1011): slurp
- SRT Security Advisory (SRT2002-06-04-1711): SCO crontab
- ssh environment - circumvention of restricted shells
- SSI & CSS execution in E-Guest (1.1) & ZAP Book (v1.0.3)
- SSI & CSS execution in MakeBook 2.2
- Summary: IE DoS in W2K and XP
- Sun Security Bulletin #00219
- Sun statement on the OpenSSH Remote Challenge Vulnerability
- SuSE Security Announcement: Apache (SuSE-SA:2002:022)
- SuSE Security Announcement: bind9/bind9-beta (SuSE-SA:2002:021)
- SuSE Security Announcement: OpenSSH (SuSE-SA:2002:023)
- Three possible DoS attacks against some IOS versions.
- ToorCon 2002 Call For Papers
- tracesex.pl : TrACESroute 6.0 GOLD local format string exploit
- Trad.Goth Advisory #1- Multiple Information Leaks in MTA's
- TSL-2002-0058 - apache/mod_ssl
- TSL-2002-0059 - openssh
- TSLSA-2002-0055 - tcpdump
- TSLSA-2002-0056 - apache
- Upcoming OpenSSH vulnerability
- Very large font size crashing X Font Server and Grounding Server to
- Very large font size crashing X Font Server and Grounding Server to a Halt (was: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0)
- VPN and Q318138
- Vulnerability Coordination
- wbbboard 1.1.1 registration _new_users_vulnerability_
- WebBBS 5.0 (andlater versions) vulnerable: allow commands execution via "followup" bug
- Wellenreiter-v1.4 introduces ESSID-bruteforcing
- Windows Buffer Overflows
- wp-02-0002: 'WEB-INF' Folder accessible in Multiple Web Application Servers
- wp-02-0007: Microsoft SQLXML ISAPI Overflow and Cross Site Sc ripting
- wp-02-0007: Microsoft SQLXML ISAPI Overflow and Cross Site Scripting
- wp-02-0009: Macromedia JRun Admin Server Authentication Bypass
- Xinet K-Talk Appletalk(tm) xkas vulnerability on IRIX
- Xitami 2.5 Beta Errors.gsl Script Injection Vulnerabilities
- Xitami Web Server (32-bit) 2.5b4 Plaintext Administrator Password Storage
- XSS in CiscoSecure ACS v3.0
- ZyXEL 642R(-11) AJ.6 SYN-ACK, SYN-FIN DoS
- ZyXEL 642R(-11) AJ.6 SYN-ACK, SYN-FIN DoS -- 643R testing
Last message date: Sat Nov 23 2002 - 00:08:32 PST
Archived on: Sat Nov 23 2002 - 00:08:37 PST
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: Sat Nov 23 2002 - 00:08:37 PST