Title: BlackICE Agent not Firewalling After Standby BUG-ID: 2002019 Released: 06th Jun 2002 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem: ======== In a default installation, The BlackICE Agent might not reactivate when the host returns from standby. This could allow a malicious user to bypass the firewall completely. Vulnerable: =========== - BlackICE Agent 3.1 eal on Windows 2000 laptop Not Vulnerable: =============== - BlackICE Agent 3.1 ebh on Windows 2000 laptop Details: ======== The BlackICE Agent setup contains the parameter "restart.whenSuspend", which should be enabled by default. This, however, is not always the case, and as a result the firewall might not reactivate after a system standby. The BlackICE Agent would still give all the appearences of being active, but the filter function would not be in effect, and network communication would be possible to the same extent as if the software wasn't installed. Vendor URL: =========== You can visit the vendor webpage here: http://www.iss.net Vendor response: ================ The vendor was notified on the 15th of March, 2002. The issue was assigned case number 526997. On the 18th of March, we received a workaround that seemingly solved the issue. On the 6th of June, 2002 the vendor informed us that the issue had been corrected in the latest build. Corrective action: ================== Upgrade to BlackICE Agent V3.1 EBH, available through: https://bvlive01.iss.net/issEn/DLC/login.jhtml Author: Andreas Sandor (asandorat_private) -------------------------------------------------------------------- KPMG is not responsible for the misuse of the information we provide through our security advisories. These advisories are a service to the professional security community. In no event shall KPMG be lia- ble for any consequences whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the use or spread of this information. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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