[ARL02-A14] ZenTrack System Information Path Disclosure Vulnerability

From: Ahmet Sabri ALPER (s_alperat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 10 2002 - 04:47:53 PDT

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    +/--------\-------- ALPER Research Labs ------/--------/+
    +/---------\-------  Security Advisory  -----/---------/+
    +/----------\------    ID: ARL02-A14    ----/----------/+
    +/-----------\----- salperat_private  ---/-----------/+
    Advisory Information
    Name               : ZenTrack System Information Path Disclosure 
    Software Package   : zenTrack
    Vendor Homepage    : http://zentrack.phpzen.net/
    Vulnerable Versions: v2.0.3, v2.0.2beta and older
    Platforms          : OS Independent, PHP
    Vulnerability Type : Input Validation Error
    Vendor Contacted   : 01/06/2002
    Vendor Replied     : No Reply
    Prior Problems     : N/A
    Current Version    : v2.0.3 (vulnerable)
    ZenTrack is a complete project management, bug tracking, 
    and ticket/tech support/phone log system. Highly 
    configurable and adaptable. Supports most databases, 
    including mySql, Oracle, and Postgres. Works on Windows 
    and Unix systems.
    A vulnerability exists in zenTrack, which could allow any 
    remote user to view the full path to the web root and 
    maybe some more sensitive information.
    If any user submits a maliciously crafted HTTP request
    to the site running zenTracker, this will enable the remote 
    user to reveal the absolute path to the web root and also 
    more information about the system might be revealed.
    This issue may be exploited by requesting an invalid ticket 
    ID. The $id variable must contain a non-existing, but an 
    integer value.
    Proof-of-concept link example:
    This would return the web root at the top of the page like;
    "Warning: extract() expects first argument to be an array in 
    /home/users/zen/sub/zentr/www/ticket.php on line 49"
    The vendor was unreachable or did not care to reply.
    A new version was released on 03/06/2002, but the vendor 
    seems unaware of the issue.
    Check if the "$id" ticket number exists.
    Discovered on 01, June, 2002 by 
    Ahmet Sabri ALPER <salperat_private>
    ALPER Research Labs.
    The ALPER Research Labs. [ARL] workers are freelancer 
    security professionals and WhiteHat hackers. The ARL 
    workers are available for hiring for legal jobs.
    The ARL also supports Open Software Community, by detecting 
    possible security issues in GPL or any other Public Licensed 
    Product Web Page: http://zentrack.phpzen.net/
    Olympos: http://www.olympos.org/

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jun 10 2002 - 10:19:10 PDT