Problem with IP reporting - Belkin Cable/DSL router

From: M Freitas (freitasmat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 09 2002 - 15:17:04 PDT

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    Product: Belkin F5D5230-4 4-Port Cable/DSL Gateway Router
    Firmware version: V1.20.000
    Hardware version: R01
    Problem : Reporting incorrect IP address when allowing port 80 into 
    internal network.
    The Belkin 4-port Cable/DSL Gateway Router will forward a http request to 
    the correctly configured http server in the internal network.
    The reported IP address is correct, until a request from the internal 
    network is tried.
    From this moment the requesting IP address is always reported as the 
    router's external IP address.
    This continues until the router is reset.
    The incorrect IP address is logged in both the server's log and personal 
    firewall log.
    Notified Belkin 09/May/2002, no workaround or fix received yet.

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