To: bugtraqat_private announceat_private scoannmodat_private ______________________________________________________________________________ Caldera International, Inc. Security Advisory Subject: Open UNIX 8.0.0 : BIND 9 Denial-of-Service vulnerability Advisory number: CSSA-2002-SCO.24 Issue date: 2002 June 10 Cross reference: ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Problem Description An assertion failure in BIND version 9 can be triggered by certain responses, leading to a denial of service attack. This security fix updates BIND to version 9.2.1. 2. Vulnerable Supported Versions System Binaries ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Open UNIX 8.0.0 /usr/sbin/dig /usr/sbin/dnssec-keygen /usr/sbin/dnssec-makekeyset /usr/sbin/dnssec-signkey /usr/sbin/dnssec-signzone /usr/sbin/host /usr/sbin/in.named /usr/sbin/named-checkconf /usr/sbin/named-checkzone /usr/sbin/ndc /usr/sbin/nslookup /usr/sbin/nsupdate /usr/sbin/rndc 3. Solution The proper solution is to install the latest packages. 4. Open UNIX 8.0.0 4.1 Location of Fixed Binaries 4.2 Verification MD5 (erg712061.pkg.Z) = 14427a77db777d8d630ca906b27d7582 md5 is available for download from 4.3 Installing Fixed Binaries Upgrade the affected binaries with the following commands: Download erg712061.pkg.Z to the /var/spool/pkg directory # uncompress /var/spool/pkg/erg712061.pkg.Z # pkgadd -d /var/spool/pkg/erg712061.pkg 5. References Specific references for this advisory: Caldera security resources: This security fix closes Caldera incidents sr865147, fz521091 and erg712061. 6. Disclaimer Caldera International, Inc. is not responsible for the misuse of any of the information we provide on this website and/or through our security advisories. Our advisories are a service to our customers intended to promote secure installation and use of Caldera products. 7. Acknowledgements The Internet Software Consortium discovered and researched this vulnerability. ______________________________________________________________________________
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