Re: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0

From: Stijn Jonker (SJCJonkerat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 06:05:31 PDT

  • Next message: Mikael Olsson: "Re: Broken PMTUD in FreeBSD?"

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    Hello all,
    The one think that keeps popping up in my mind after reading your post:
    Is this really a mozilla bug? 
    My answer:
    No, because try and font of the size 1666666px in gimp on the same system, 
    the symptoms and the end effect is exactly the same here.
    System: RH 7.3
    	512 M memory
    	1024M Swap
    	Xfs & XFree86 4.2.0
    What happens is that XFS consumes huge amounts of ram, and finally bails 
    out. So end of story for the fonts in X. As a result X is practicly 
    I can only guess what happens when you don't use XFS but Xserver based 
    fontrendering, the X server consumes huge amounts of mem and cpu and bails 
    out => server crash => Bye Bye X.
    The solution(s):
    	(a) Fix every app to disallow font sizes bigger then <maxvalue>
    	(b) Fix XFS to return an error code to the calling application 
    when requested font size is greater then configured <maxvalue>
    Personally i would go for b.
    Just my $0.02, but is you disagree please let me know.
    On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Tom wrote:
    > Author            
    > ======
    > Tom Vogt <tomat_private>
    > Affected
    > ========
    > Mozilla 1.0 and earlier
    > verified on Linux and Solaris, other Unixes most likely affected as well.
    > Effect
    > ======
    > System becomes unuseable or X windows crashes 
    > (varies depending on system configuration)
    > Description
    > ===========
    > When loading pages with a specially prepared (or erroneous) stylesheet,
    > mozilla and X windows (not restricted to XFree) exhibit any of two 
    > Example
    > =======
    > Include a huge font size in your style sheet definition, e.g.:
    > body { font-size: 1666666px; }
    - -- 
    Met Vriendelijke groet/Yours Sincerely
    Stijn Jonker <SJCJonkerat_private>
    - --
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