Re: Three possible DoS attacks against some IOS versions.

From: Shane Gibson (res1925dat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 10:56:43 PDT

  • Next message: Jakub Bogusz: "Re: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0"

    Felix Lindner wrote:
    > This does not prevent remote attacks because Cisco devices do not
    > validate the destination address of a HSRP packet. Unicast packets are
    > accepted, which can be tested using the hrsp tool at
    While technically true, HSRP does provide a basic authentication/validation
    mechanism.  Best practices would dictate at least the following three:
        1.  use "standby GROUP authentication TOKEN"
        2.  filter all traffic at your egress routers
        3.  filter at each interface participating in HSRP
    (1) standby authentication provides a simple (clear text) token that is
    shared via your participating HSRP routers.  This is a **basic** form
    of validating your HSRP partners.   If you don't have the right token,
    you don't get to play with HSRP (short of any buffer overflow exploits
    against the standby auth. mechanism?).  This means that someone would
    have to get ahold of your Cisco router configs, or sniff the token off of
    the local wire.
    (2) don't let any HSRP packets into your networks from the egress
    (3) each router using HSRP should have an appropriate filter only allowing
    HSRP traffic from it's known HSRP partners, this logic should be applied
    on a per group basis (i.e. standby group 10 should have appropriate filters,
    while standby group 20 should have a different and appropriate set of
    These are all very basic and simple mechanisms that cost nothing, and will
    protect against (okay, I'm just throwing a number out here...) 99%+ of all
    attacks against your HSRP participating routers.  About the only thing I
    see as a potential issue is a local resource being cracked into and used to
    whack away at your HSRP routers, which would require spoofing source
    IPs, etc... (eg the filters).  I'm sure someone out there will correct me
    if I have any flaws in my strategy here...

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