Re: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0

From: John C. Welch (jwelchat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 11 2002 - 12:32:40 PDT

  • Next message: Steve Gustin: " - csNews.cgi - Multiple Vulnerabilities"

    On 06/11/2002 11:03, "Andreas Beck" <> wrote:
    > Also note, that - as I already reported to Tom in PM - not all X servers
    > are affected. I tested the example sites using Mozilla 1.0RC2 on an XGGI
    > server which is based on rather old X-consortium code IIRC and the expected
    > effects did not show up.
    It also doesn't crash anything in Mac OS X. (Moz 1.0). The page doesn't get
    rendered really well...looks really wonky, but nothing crashes.
    John C. Welch
    IT Manager
    MIT Police
    (617) 253 - 3093 work
    (508) 579 - 7380 cell

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