Remote DoS in AnalogX SimpleServer:www 1.16

From: Fort _ (fortat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 05:21:21 PDT

  • Next message: Brent J. Nordquist: "CSS vulnerabilities in IMP 3.0"

     ('binary' encoding is not supported, stored as-is)
    If you connect to a computer running the SimpleSever:WWW 1.16 (latest 
    version) you can remotely close the server causing a DoS.
    To crash the server:
    Connect to the machine (telnet server 80) and type 640 @ signs then press 
    enter twice.
    I haven’t tested to see exactly how many @ signs you need but 640 seems to 
    do the trick!
    I have also reported this to AlalogX, and I am still awaiting their reply.

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