Why black list based extension filtering won't work (Was: Re: MIME::Tools Perl module and virus scanners)

From: Mikael Olsson (mikael.olssonat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 13 2002 - 02:17:23 PDT

  • Next message: mattmurphyat_private: "Re: Double clicking on MS Office documents from Windows Explorer may execute arbitrary programs in some cases"

    "David F. Skoll" wrote:
    > MIMEDefang itself doesn't "know" anything, but the sample filter which
    > comes with it will correctly (?!) reject ".exe." as well as ".exe"
    > [huge snip]
    >     # Bad extensions
    >     $bad_exts ='(ade|adp|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|dll|exe|hlp|hta|
    >     inf|ini|ins|isp|jse?|lib|lnk|mdb|mde|msc|msi|msp|mst|ocx|pcd|pif|
    >     reg|scr|sct|shb|shs|sys|url|vb|vbe|vbs|vxd|wsc|wsf|wsh)';
    I just feel I have to add this: blocking "known bad" extensions won't
    buy much. Have you tried creating a word document, e.g. "asdf.doc"
    and then change the extension to, for instance, "asdf.unkext"?
    It'll happily launch MS word without asking for an app to run.
    Further verify this buy renaming "qwer.xls" to "qwer.unkext".
    Clicking _that_ document will indeed launch MS excel, again without
    asking for an app to run.
    The windows shell apparently has hooks for checking the _file contents_ 
    for associations when they don't recognize the file extension. The
    office suite makes use of this. (I believe this was mentioned here
    on bugtraq a couple of months ago.)
    So, the only approach that really works is a white-list approach.
    And add to that, a white-list that ONLY lets through extensions
    that you KNOW that the vast majority of the installed user base 
    has associated handlers for. Removing the handler for ".zip" (or
    not installing winzip) and clicking on "renamedexcelsheet.zip"
    will, of course, launch Excel.
    /Mikael Olsson
    Mikael Olsson, Clavister AB
    Storgatan 12, Box 393, SE-891 28 ÖRNSKÖLDSVIK, Sweden
    Phone: +46 (0)660 29 92 00   Mobile: +46 (0)70 26 222 05
    Fax: +46 (0)660 122 50       WWW: http://www.clavister.com
    "Senex semper diu dormit"

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