Sensitive IM Security - MSN Message Sniffing

From: SeungHyun Seo (s1980914at_private)
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 23:54:05 PDT

  • Next message: Tom: "Re: remote DoS in Mozilla 1.0"

    So many security specialists warned against IM(Instant Messenger) security
    This is one of the  proof of concept code against sensitive IM security,
    named project "MSN666"
    as you see, the name 'msn666' tells It's about Microsoft MSN Messenger.
    yah, it was the interesting stuff of our project as a common IM.
    msn666 is the simple sniffer for intercepting MSN MESSEGES on your
    In fact, msn666 analyzes msn message protocol for every packets and prints
    msn message sessions 
    to your monitor, it's due to Microsoft MSN Messenger uses plain text to
    communicate with.
    therfore as a result,  you could know "who is on the net", "who talks to
    whom" and "what they say"
    you could get msn666 from
    Seunghyun Seo, Inha university Group of Research for Unix Security
    [e-mail] seoat_private , frogat_private

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