Re: IE 5.-6 CSS parsing error

From: patpro (patproat_private)
Date: Sat Jun 15 2002 - 15:43:01 PDT

  • Next message: Brett Moore: "Windows Buffer Overflows"

    On samedi, juin 15, 2002, at 01:46 , Dmitry Leonov wrote:
    > Internet Explorer (versions 5,5.5/Windows'98 and 6.0/XP have been
    > tested) as well as software which uses IE engine for html pages
    > displaying (like Outlook Express) crashes while trying to parse
    > CSS table (internal or external) with element p{cssText: font-weight:
    > bold;}
    IE 5.1.4 for MacOS X is not vulnerable, at least concerning the link you 

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