Like ISS obviously did, one of the first things NGSSoftware did after the eEye ASP Chunk Transfer Encoding vulnerability came out, was check 'what else' is vulnerable to this kind of issue. Like ISS, NGSSoftware also noted that the Win32 distribution of Apache was vulnerable. However, our approach to addressing this problem was/is completely different. We alerted Oracle, Apahce and CERT. Our last response from Mark Fox of Apache was that they "have decided that we need to co-ordinate this issue with CERT so that we can get other vendors who ship Apache in their OS and projects aheads-up to this issue." NGSSoftware, of course agreed that this would be the best plan of action as most people who use the Win32 Apache version do not have a compiler and so can take steps to protect themselves. They're mostly relying on their apache 'supplier' to produce a patch. Of course, with a premature release from ISS many are now left vulnerable without a patch from the apache 'supplier'. This, now, leads to the next issue. There have been many instances where two or more security organizations discover the same vulnerability at the same time but differ in the manner and time at which they choose to alert the general public, leading to all sorts of problems. With more people and organisations doing security research, perhaps it is time for a Vulnerability Co-ordinator Center (a VCC) - some trusted third party like an off-shoot of CERT. I know this is not a new idea and one which has been brought up before but one I think should perhaps be discussed again and acted upon. When a vendor is alerted the VCC is CC'd (pun not intentional) and this way a co-ordinated full alert can go out when the time is right. Any takers??? Cheers, David Litchfield Next Generation Security Software Ltd +44(0)208 401 0070
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