Security Update: [CSSA-2002-027.0] Linux: fetchmail imap message count vulnerability

From: securityat_private
Date: Mon Jun 17 2002 - 15:01:50 PDT

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    To: bugtraqat_private announceat_private security-alertsat_private
    		Caldera International, Inc.  Security Advisory
    Subject:		Linux: fetchmail imap message count vulnerability
    Advisory number: 	CSSA-2002-027.0
    Issue date: 		2002 June 17
    Cross reference:
    1. Problem Description
    	The fetchmail email client does not properly limit the maximum
    	number of messages available. This allows a remote IMAP server to
    	overwrite memory via a message count that exceeds the boundaries
    	of an array.
    2. Vulnerable Supported Versions
    	System				Package
    	OpenLinux 3.1.1 Server		prior to fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    					prior to fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	OpenLinux 3.1.1 Workstation	prior to fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    					prior to fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	OpenLinux 3.1 Server		prior to fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    					prior to fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	OpenLinux 3.1 Workstation	prior to fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    					prior to fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    3. Solution
    	The proper solution is to install the latest packages.
    4. OpenLinux 3.1.1 Server
    	4.1 Package Location

    	4.2 Packages
    	fe2a12a46105337465eaade27dcdfd19	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	5ee700b144f9888d71760c68af7bdd10	fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	4.3 Installation
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	4.4 Source Package Location

    	4.5 Source Packages
    	d0baecda18a7f2602fe2b1634463addb	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.src.rpm
    5. OpenLinux 3.1.1 Workstation
    	5.1 Package Location

    	5.2 Packages
    	e53982b3b4bd650aeca7342b155fd150	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	66c50c0b2a80a01e5a6b80ee10b999cb	fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	5.3 Installation
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	5.4 Source Package Location

    	5.5 Source Packages
    	282f59e2897e214270789b9bd12b1ebe	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.src.rpm
    6. OpenLinux 3.1 Server
    	6.1 Package Location

    	6.2 Packages
    	4e1d00de455d83703ef352b6954a26b5	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	0d86128975e46e9e739728157e4c8eef	fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	6.3 Installation
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	6.4 Source Package Location

    	6.5 Source Packages
    	94f1a2221da6db44c31f5562a8935b83	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.src.rpm
    7. OpenLinux 3.1 Workstation
    	7.1 Package Location

    	7.2 Packages
    	7b6142d18892c4a4afe6a956f3a8ae51	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	6ca58cc1462555b90ff4b5c3a395adb8	fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	7.3 Installation
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmail-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	rpm -Fvh fetchmailconf-5.8.17-3.i386.rpm
    	7.4 Source Package Location

    	7.5 Source Packages
    	296fb5b80dbd73aefffad24b3998f33c	fetchmail-5.8.17-3.src.rpm
    8. References
    	Specific references for this advisory:
    	Caldera security resources:
    	This security fix closes Caldera incidents sr865008, fz521068,
    9. Disclaimer
    	Caldera International, Inc. is not responsible for the misuse
    	of any of the information we provide on this website and/or
    	through our security advisories. Our advisories are a service
    	to our customers intended to promote secure installation and
    	use of Caldera products.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Jun 17 2002 - 18:13:10 PDT