Wellenreiter-v1.4 introduces ESSID-bruteforcing

From: Moser Max (MMoserat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 06:31:03 PDT

  • Next message: Florian Weimer: "Re: Remote Compromise Vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server"

    Hi all once again,
    I just want to let all of you know that we have just released the v.1.4
    of our Wireless penetration tool
    Wellenreiter. I guess the most interesting for you as pentester is the
    new and unique ESSID-bruteforcing feature we have implemented now. We
    did this for speedup the eased-gathering process. Like when you need to
    get the eased of a low traffic
    Or static point top point wlan with now interceptions. The bruteforce
    functionality needs at best 2 Cisco cards. One card is sniffing
    constantly and the other is bruteforcing the essid. The tricky part here
    is that the bruteforcing card do change its mac-address every single
    request to another one. No to us known flood-protection works against
    Sure we also did some speedup/cleanup and fixup in the code but see the
    changes file for detail.
    Get Wellenreiter at our homepage on http://www.remote-exploit.org. If
    you want to support our further development, please 
    Go to http://www.linuxfund.org register yourself and vote your penguin
    pesos for Wellenreiter. This costs you nothing and
    Our project can afford with those funds new hardware etc for
    Max Moser
    Team remote-exploit.org
    P.S. I dont know why i cannot update the text in the tools section of
    securityfocus, the versions update 
    But not the text. Maybe someone from securityfocus can fix that.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Jun 18 2002 - 08:46:28 PDT