ColdFusion MX Cross Site Scripting vulnerability

From: Ory Segal (ORY.SEGALat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 18 2002 - 10:15:39 PDT

  • Next message: Chris Anley: "(more) Advanced SQL Injection"

    ==> Macromedia ColdFusion MX Cross site scripting vulnerability <==
    => Author: Ory Segal, Sanctum Inc.
    => Release date: 18/06/2002 (vendor was notified at: 03/06/2002)
    => Vendor: Macromedia ( )
    => Product: 
            - Macromedia ColdFusion MX (ColdFusion Server version:
            - Notes: 
                     [1] The vulnerabilities were tested on the evaluation
                     [2] The ColdFusion server was tested on Win2K (SP2) +
    => Severity: High
    => CVE candidate: Not assigned
    => Summary: 
            A "Cross Site Scripting" vulnerability exists when requesting a
            ".cfm" file.
    => Description:
            Macromedia's ColdFusion MX comes with a default 404 error page.
            This 404 error page presents the path of the file requested, and
    does not filter it
            for hazardous characters, which might be used for a cross site
    scripting attack. 
            For example, the following request will pop-up a message containing
    the current session
    => Solution: Patch available from the vendor's web site at: 
    => Workaround: 
            Change the default 404 error page associated with .cfm files, to
            own customized 404 error page.

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