Hi, external policy enforcement is a mechanism to prevent system compromise due to exploitable vulnerabilities in complicated applications like the Apache web server. A separate process enforces what kind of access an application has to the system. For a simple Apache configuration that might include binding to port 80, reading documents in the document root and writing to log files, but nothing else. Previously, policy configuration has been very difficult. However, I just released a subsystem called systrace that provides fine-grained confinement of multiple applications with multiple policies. One of its main features is a mode to interactively generate policies for applications using a graphical dialog. A policy can be generated in a few minutes. An administrator can also use systrace's automatic policy generation mode and tailor the resulting policy to her need. Systrace provides - confinement of complex or untrusted binary applications. - interactive policy generation with graphical user interface. - support for different emulations: GNU/Linux, BSDI, etc.. - non-interactive policy enforcement. - remote monitoring and intrusion detection. - automatic policy generation. With a correctly configured policy the impact of programming errors in system daemons can be constrained significantly. Monkey.org is currently running systrace for over 200 users including system daemons like Apache. I have been running all my third-party applications under systrace with automatic policy enforcement. Policy violations are logged to syslog. For example, when adding a new user to GAIM, systrace discovered the following bug: Jun 18 13:45:14 schwartau systrace: user: provos, prog: /usr/local/bin/gaim, pid: 7107(0), policy: /usr/local/bin/gaim, filters: 92, syscall: native-chmod(15), filename: /usr/home/provos/presentations/m 1 g CITI b lakrimi:lk ... , mode: 600 Gaim attempts to chmod the buddy list but uses its content as filename instead. In OpenBSD, we take a very pro-active approach to security and have integrated systrace into the base system. It has recently been integrated into NetBSD, as well. You can find more information at http://www.citi.umich.edu/u/provos/systrace/ Regards, Niels Provos.
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