Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco ONS15454 IP TOS Bit Vulnerability

From: Cisco Systems Product Security Incident Response Team (psirt-supportat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 09:22:14 PDT

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    Hash: SHA1
            Cisco Security Advisory: Cisco ONS15454 IP TOS Bit Vulnerability
      Revision 1.0
      For Public Release 2002 June 19 at 1500 UTC
       Affected Products
       Software Versions and Fixes
       Obtaining Fixed Software
       Exploitation and Public Announcements
       Status of This Notice
       Revision History
       Cisco Security Procedures
       The Cisco ONS15454 optical transport platform is vulnerable when IP
       packets, with the Type Of Service (TOS) bit set, are sent to the Timing
       Control Card (TCC) LAN interface. Cisco ONS software releases 3.1.0 to
       3.2.0, both inclusive, are vulnerable.
       This vulnerability is documented as Cisco bug ID CSCdx48853. There are
       workarounds available to mitigate the effects of this vulnerability.
       This advisory will be posted at
    Affected Products
       All Cisco ONS15454 hardware running Cisco ONS release 3.1.0 to 3.2.0, both
       inclusive, is affected by this vulnerability.
       Hardware not affected includes the Cisco ONS15327 edge optical transport
       platform, Cisco ONS15540 extended service platform, ONS15800 series,
       ONS15200 series metro DWDM systems and the ONS15194 IP transport
       No other Cisco product is currently known to be affected by this
       To determine your software revision, view the help-about window on the
       When an IP packet with non-zero TOS bits in its header is received by the
       TCC on its LAN interface, this causes software versions 3.1.0 and later to
       reset the TCC. When the crafted packets are sent repeatedly, both TCCs
       reset leaving no active TCC in the platform.
       In order to exploit this vulnerability, an attacker must be able to
       establish an IP connection to the TCC's LAN interface.
       This vulnerability is documented as Cisco bug ID CSCdx48853, which
       requires a CCO account to view, and can be viewed after 2002 June 20 at
       1500 UTC.
       When both TCCs are reset simultaneously, the E100 cards and E1000 cards
       stop passing traffic. The G1000 cards traffic would not be affected. TDM
       traffic may be compromised because timing is not synchronized anymore. The
       protection switching feature is compromised.
    Software Versions and Fixes
       This vulnerability is fixed in Cisco ONS software release 3.2.1 and later.
       Cisco ONS software release 3.2.1 is the maintenance release fix version
       for this vulnerability. Cisco ONS software version 3.3.0 is currently
       available as an interim fix release for this vulnerability until Cisco ONS
       software version 3.2.1 is released at the end of July 2002.
       The procedure to upgrade to the fixed software version on the Cisco ONS
       15454 is detailed at:
    Obtaining Fixed Software
       Cisco is offering free software upgrades to address this vulnerability for
       all affected customers. Customers may only install and expect support for
       the feature sets they have purchased.
       Customers with service contracts should contact their regular update
       channels to obtain the free software upgrade identified via this advisory.
       For most customers with service contracts, this means that upgrades should
       be obtained through the Software Center on Cisco's worldwide website at
       Customers whose Cisco products are provided or maintained through a prior
       or existing agreement with third-party support organizations such as Cisco
       Partners, authorized resellers, or service providers should contact that
       support organization for assistance with obtaining the free software
       Customers who purchased directly from Cisco but who do not hold a Cisco
       service contract, and customers who purchase through third party vendors
       but are unsuccessful at obtaining fixed software through their point of
       sale, should obtain fixed software by contacting the Cisco Technical
       Assistance Center (TAC) using the contact information listed below. In
       these cases, customers are entitled to obtain an upgrade to a later
       version of the same release or as indicated by the applicable corrected
       software version in the Software Versions and Fixes section (noted above).
       Cisco TAC contacts are as follows:
         * +1 800 553 2447 (toll free from within North America)
         * +1 408 526 7209 (toll call from anywhere in the world)
         * e-mail: tacat_private
       See for
       additional TAC contact information, including special localized telephone
       numbers and instructions and e-mail addresses for use in various
       Please have your product serial number available and give the URL of this
       advisory as evidence of your entitlement to a free upgrade.
       Please do not contact either "psirtat_private" or
       "security-alertat_private" for software upgrades.
       Restrict IP traffic to the gateway node(s) with a router configured to
       change the TOS to zero for all out-bound packets going to the TCC.
       Sample Cisco router configuration:
           class-map match-all MY_LAN
           match any      !--- Matches all packets
           policy-map SET_TOS
           class MY_LAN
           set ip dscp default
           !--- Sets all packets to "00000000" (Best effort)
           interface FastEthernet0/0
           service-policy output SET_TOS
          !--- Modifies outbound packets
    Exploitation and Public Announcements
       This defect was reported by a Cisco customer. The Cisco PSIRT is not aware
       of any public announcements or malicious use of the vulnerability
       described in this advisory.
    Status of This Advisory: FINAL
       This is a final advisory. Although Cisco cannot guarantee the accuracy of
       all statements in this advisory, all of the facts have been checked to the
       best of our ability. Cisco does not anticipate issuing updated versions of
       this advisory unless there is some material change in the facts. Should
       there be a significant change in the facts, Cisco may update this
       A stand-alone copy or paraphrase of the text of this security advisory
       that omits the distribution URL in the following section is an
       uncontrolled copy, and may lack important information or contain factual
       This advisory will be posted on Cisco's worldwide website at
       In addition to worldwide website posting, a text version of this advisory
       is clear-signed with the Cisco PSIRT PGP keyID 0x1A88BFC5 with fingerprint
       17E6 4AC4 4DD5 F889 1560 919D 3FC6 EA52 1A88 BFC5 and is posted to the
       following e-mail and Usenet news recipients:
         * cust-security-announceat_private
         * bugtraqat_private
         * firewallsat_private
         * first-teamsat_private (includes CERT/CC)
         * ciscoat_private
         * cisco-nspat_private
         * Various internal Cisco mailing lists
       Future updates of this advisory, if any, will be placed on Cisco's
       worldwide website, but may or may not be actively announced on mailing
       lists or newsgroups. Users concerned about this problem are encouraged to
       check the above URL for any updates.
    Revision History
       | Revision 1.0  | 2002-Jun-19     | Initial public release.        |
    Cisco Security Procedures
       Complete information on reporting security vulnerabilities in Cisco
       products, obtaining assistance with security incidents, and registering to
       receive security information from Cisco, is available on Cisco's worldwide
       website at This includes instructions for
       press inquiries regarding Cisco security advisories.
       This advisory is copyright 2002 by Cisco Systems, Inc. This advisory may
       be redistributed freely after the release date given at the top of the
       text, provided that redistributed copies are complete and unmodified,
       including all date and version information.
    Version: PGP 6.5.8
    Comment: Signed by Sharad Ahlawat, Cisco Systems PSIRT
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jun 19 2002 - 11:54:33 PDT