* DoS on irssi 0.8.4 (current version) * 1. Aplication description: Irssi is a modular IRC client for UNIX systems. It runs on text mode user interface, or on graphic mode user using GTK+. You can donwload irssi (and get more information about it) from official website, http://www.irssi.org 2. Problem description: The current version 0.8.4 has a little problem, that can crash it. A DoS is produced when join to chanel that contains a long topic with "\x1b\x5b\x30\x6d\x0d\x0a" at the end, or when youre on a chanel and someone change topic to it. 3. Patch: Irssi developers has been warned, and 0.8.5 will be released early.
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