-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 This is for immediate release. This may not be sent to any "advanced warning system", such as ARIS. This was written for the community, and not just a few companies with deep pockets full of the big dollar. Attached is a remote Apache 1.3.X exploit for the "chunking" vulnerability. This version of the exploit works only on OpenBSD. "Experts" have argued as to why this is not exploitable on x86/*nix. This version of the exploit has been modified to convince these "experts" that they are wrong. Further, it is very ./friendly and all scriptkids/penetration testers should be able to run it without any trouble. My God have mercy on our souls. - -GOBBLES Security -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: Hush 2.1 Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com wlwEARECABwFAj0Q3g8VHGdvYmJsZXNAaHVzaG1haWwuY29tAAoJEBzRp5chmbAP7R0A nRyuMq0D8z0T6bg++HH27mGXyPqlAJ9l6Qv8h/5+2pvnn6nJ+sUUZdeebw== =5v5m -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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