Source Injection into PHPAddress

From: Chris Huebsch (
Date: Wed Jun 19 2002 - 06:37:54 PDT

  • Next message: Terry A Jeeves: "[RHSA-2002:103-13] Updated Apache packages fix chunked encoding issue"

    I am the author of PHPAddress.
    On Sunday Tim Vandermeerch contacted me because a bug in PHPAddress.
    5 Minutes later I took the download-site offline.
    On Monday I completed the bugfix and put the download-site back online.
    I also submitted a report to bugtraq (my user id is and freeshmat.
    Why do you broadcast the Bug-Report but not the Fix-Report?
    I am really angry about that. It looks as if I do not take
    error-reports seriously.
    Chris Huebsch
    TU Chemnitz, Str. d. Nationen 62, 1/B204
    D-09107 Chemnitz  ---   +49 371 531 1377

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