Re: Xitami Web Server (32-bit) 2.5b4 Plaintext Administrator Password Storage

From: Florian Hobelsberger / BlueScreen (genius28at_private)
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 03:10:33 PDT

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    Did you even care about reading the Xitami FAQ ?
    This small section tells you everything you need to know )
    7: Why is the password file not encrypted?
    In general if access to your server is secure, then the lack of encryption
    is not a problem. If someone can read the Xitami directory on your system,
    they can see the passwords. Note that even if you use a hashed password
    file, it is often trivial to discover passwords using a dictionary-based
    attack. It's therefore much better to concentrate on hiding the password
    file than on encrypting it. At some future date, Xitami will support
    encrypted (hashed) passwords.
    That could be the reason why Imatix hasn't answered you yet.
    Best regards....
    BlueScreen / Florian Hobelsberger (UIN: 101782087)
    Member of:
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