[SECURITY] Remote exploit for 32-bit Apache HTTP Server known

From: jwoolleyat_private
Date: Thu Jun 20 2002 - 21:54:53 PDT

  • Next message: methodic: "[AP] YaBB Cross-Site Scripting vulnerability"

     [[ Note: this issue affects both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms; the
        subject of this message emphasizes 32-bit platforms since that
        is the most important information not announced in our previous
        advisory. ]]
    SUPERSEDES: http://httpd.apache.org/info/security_bulletin_20020617.txt
    Date: June 20, 2002
    Product: Apache Web Server
    Versions: Apache 1.3 all versions including 1.3.24; Apache 2.0 all versions
    up to 2.0.36; Apache 1.2 all versions.
    CAN-2002-0392 (mitre.org) [CERT VU#944335]
             ------------UPDATED ADVISORY------------
    While testing for Oracle vulnerabilities, Mark Litchfield discovered a
    denial of service attack for Apache on Windows.  Investigation by the
    Apache Software Foundation showed that this issue has a wider scope, which
    on some platforms results in a denial of service vulnerability, while on
    some other platforms presents a potential remote exploit vulnerability.
    This follow-up to our earlier advisory is to warn of known-exploitable
    conditions related to this vulnerability on both 64-bit platforms and
    32-bit platforms alike.  Though we previously reported that 32-bit
    platforms were not remotely exploitable, it has since been proven by
    Gobbles that certain conditions allowing exploitation do exist.
    Successful exploitation of this vulnerability can lead to the execution of
    arbitrary code on the server with the permissions of the web server child
    process.  This can facilitate the further exploitation of vulnerabilities
    unrelated to Apache on the local system, potentially allowing the intruder
    root access.
    Note that early patches for this issue released by ISS and others do not
    address its full scope.
    Due to the existence of exploits circulating in the wild for some platforms,
    the risk is considered high.
    The Apache Software Foundation has released versions 1.3.26 and 2.0.39
    that address and fix this issue, and all users are urged to upgrade
    immediately; updates can be downloaded from http://httpd.apache.org/ .
    As a reminder, we respectfully request that anyone who finds a potential
    vulnerability in our software reports it to securityat_private
    The full text of this advisory including additional details is available
    at http://httpd.apache.org/info/security_bulletin_20020620.txt .

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jun 21 2002 - 12:41:43 PDT