AdvServer DoS

From: elaborate ruse (
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 12:22:53 PDT

  • Next message: Mandrake Linux Security Team: "MDKSA-2002:039-1 - apache update"

     Title:	AdvServer DoS
     Date:	21.06.02
     Author:	elab (
     Software:	AdvServer
     Platform:	Win32
     Tested:	Version 1.030000
     Vendor: 	WWW:
     	Contacted on:	30 May 02
     	Via:		tassadarat_private && website
    	Response:	Within 2 days
     WARNING:	This advisory has NOTHING to do with the Microsoft webserver of
     		a similar name.
    		From vendor's website (
    			"AdvServer is all you need for your web hosting
    			needs, if you want a fast ,reliable ,and robust
    			http web server then AdvServer is perfect for
    			you. AdvServer Multithreading system allows
    			you to handle insane amounts of web traffic.
    			Smart PreCache system that loads frequently
    			used files in to memory ,allowing for lightning fast
    			server responces. Custom Api system so you
    			are able to create library modules that increase
    			the functionality of your website. AdvServer fully
    			supports CGI applications such as Perl or PHP.
    			Best of all AdvServer setup screen makes
    			customization a breeze. Download AdvServer
    			Today its free!"
    		A DoS condition exists in AdvServer which can render the server
    		unresponsive to further connections.
     		Connecting to AdvServer and sending a single CRLF sequence
    		causes a page fault in advserver.exe.  At this point the
    		server still accepts new connections.  If this action is
    		repeated around another 100 times the server stops accepting new
    		The version tested and found to be vulnerable was 1.030000.
    		The platform tested on was Microsoft Windows 98SE.
     		Searches at securityfocus archives revealed no previous postings
    		about this product yet a google search shows multiple download
     		Vendor was contacted on 30 May 02 via email and website.
    		Initial response was:
    		"your the first person with this problem that has contacted
    		 me, but im currently working on another project sorry".
     		On 08.06.02 vendor was sent a copy of this advisory, packet
    		dumps of the DoS as well as PoC code and two weeks to respond
    		with a reasonable schedule for a fix before this information 
    		would be made public.
    		After further emails vendor stated:
    		"the parsing module is being rebuilt, by june 17, 2002 version 
    		 1.04 will have the new module fix"
     		As of release date no fixed version is available from vendor's
    		website and vendor has become unresponsive to further attempts
    		at communication.
    		Also CC'ed a copy of this advisory.
     		Use a non-development stage web server for your hosting.
    		In tests it took exactly 96 sockets and CRLF writes to crash
    		the server (46 if you do it through localhost).  The sockets
    		did not need to be kept open and were sequential as opposed to
    		It seems that various non HTTP conformant data can crash the 
    		server - a single CRLF per connection just seemed easiest.
    		This advisory is also available from:
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jun 21 2002 - 13:05:18 PDT