Apache Vulnerability through a Proxy?

From: Ulf Bahrenfuss (Bahrenfuss.Ulfat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 21 2002 - 01:56:29 PDT

  • Next message: Ben Laurie: "Re: Apache Exploit"

    Does anyone know, if the chunk handling vulnerability carries through a proxy i.e. Squid or Webcache? (Updating is currently not possible, because it is not the plain apache, but the Oracle IAS flavour...)
    Or has anyone further information how this vulnerabilty really works?
    Any pointers are appreciated.
    Ulf Bahrenfuss                               bahrenfuss.ulfat_private
    Talkline GmbH & Co. KG
    Systems Analyst
    - IT  Team Infrastruktur -                +49(0)4121-412422

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