Re: ISS Apache Advisory Response

From: Security Admin (securityat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 06:03:14 PDT

  • Next message: securityat_private: "Security Update: [CSSA-2002-029.0] Linux: Apache Web Server Chunk Handling Vulnerability"

    On Thu, Jun 20, 2002 at 06:06:03PM -0400, Klaus, Chris (ISSAtlanta) wrote:
    > 3)      ISS was not aware of other researchers discovering this
    > vulnerability nor aware of it in the wild at the time of the release of the
    > advisory.
    We've got reason to believe that this was already known to some 
    black hats by April the 19th. For linux on intel. 
    A Friend of mine had a machine compromised on April 19. The intruder
    managed to get a shell as user www-data. He hadn't any leads on how
    the break-in happened, except for a few thousand lines in the logfile
    like this:
    [Fri Apr 19 11:06:35 2002] [notice] child pid 25613 exit signal
            Segmentation fault (11)
    Incidentally, this corresponds to the effect the exploit from
    gobbles shows. 
    Peter Keel
    Operator in charge for Security       Tel +41 1 287 2992
    Cyberlink Internet Services AG        Fax +41 1 287 2991
    Richard Wagnerstrasse 6               adminat_private
    CH-8002 Zuerich        

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