cqure.net Security Vulnerability Report No: cqure.net.20020521.netware_nwftpd_fmtstr ============================================ Vulnerability Summary --------------------- Problem: The Netware FTP server has a DOS vulnerability. Threat: An attacker could cause the FTP server to ABEND resulting in a DOS where the whole server has to be restarted to regain full functionality. Affected Software: Novell Netware FTP server. Platforms: Netware 6.0 verified SP 1 + NWFTPD update. Solutions: Install patches from Novell as soon as they become available. Vulnerability Description ------------------------- The Netware FTP server has a formatstring condition which can be triggered by issuing format strings as login username. This will cause the server to ABEND. For the FTP server to regain full functionality a complete reboot has to be done. Additional Information ---------------------- Novell was contacted 20020521. This vulnerability was found by Patrik Karlsson & Jonas Ländin patrikat_private jonasat_private This document is also available at: http://www.cqure.net/advisories/
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