Noguska Nola 1.1.1 [ Intranet Business Management Software ]

From: sindhiat_private
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 23:54:20 PDT

  • Next message: Alex Hernandez: "Sharity Cifslogin Buffer Overflow (arguments)"

    Hash: SHA1
    Noguska Nola 1.1.1 [ Intranet Business Management Software ]
    .: Software Desciption :.
    - -- compied from their site --
    Redefining the scope of Enterprise Software
    The NOLA web based software package allows your business to effortlessly reach further than previously thought possible. NOLA provides your company's accounting, inventory, point of sale, contact management, billing, puchasing, and reporting all in one integrated package. NOLA takes e-commerce to the next step, allowing for real time inventory quantity updates. Users are able to do ANYTHING from ANYWHERE.
    Rock solid stability
    The NOLA system is built around a secure, open platform. NOLA ships with the Apache Web Server, the most widely used web server in the world. Apache is used to serve more web sites than every other web server combined1. Also supplied is the MySQL database engine, a lightning fast SQL server designed for large amounts of data. MySQL is also used by NASA and Yahoo!. 1According to the Netcraft Feb 2001 Survey.
    Exploit: Document Management Module allows php script upload. How simple can it get ?
    " On son ti koullion dé z'antilles koi !? "
    Version: Hush 2.1
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