Formatstring Vulnerability in decfingerd 0.7

From: isox (isoxat_private)
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 03:12:27 PDT

  • Next message: Michael A. Williams: "Re: apache-scalp.c"

    Hello all,
    I have no idea if this is the most current version of this application, I 
    found it while browsing packetstormsecurity earlier.  For all I know it may 
    not even be kept current anymore.
    Anyhow... bad call to syslog() is the culprit.  I'm to lazy to code an 
    exploit for this at the moment but it should be fairly trivial to do if 
    anyone is interested in the task:
    Culprit code: decfingerd.c
    int main(void):
             char input[20], message[100];
             fgets(input, sizeof(input), stdin);
             sprintf(message, "Client %s requested info for %s\n", remoteIP, 
             syslog(0, message, sizeof(message));
    Have a good one,
    - isoxat_private

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