Security Update: [CSSA-2002-SCO.30] UnixWare 7.1.1 Open UNIX 8.0.0 : dtprintinfo buffer overflow with Help search

From: securityat_private
Date: Tue Jun 25 2002 - 17:34:08 PDT

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    To: bugtraqat_private announceat_private scoannmodat_private
    		Caldera International, Inc.  Security Advisory
    Subject:		UnixWare 7.1.1 Open UNIX 8.0.0 : dtprintinfo buffer overflow with Help search
    Advisory number: 	CSSA-2002-SCO.30
    Issue date: 		2002 June 25
    Cross reference:
    1. Problem Description
    	The CDE dtprintinfo program is vulnerable to a buffer
    	overflow condition that allows a local attacker to gain
    	root access. The problem occurs due to insufficient bounds
    	checking in the Volume search field from the Help section.
    	An attacker can insert a specially crafted string for the
    	search parameter and gain root privileges.
    2. Vulnerable Supported Versions
    	System				Binaries
    	UnixWare 7.1.1			/usr/dt/lib/
    	Open UNIX 8.0.0			/usr/dt/lib/
    3. Solution
    	The proper solution is to install the latest packages.
    4. UnixWare 7.1.1
    	4.1 Location of Fixed Binaries

    	4.2 Verification
    	MD5 (erg712032.pkg.Z) = b654e5f739056ba4a73e07646e88f049
    	md5 is available for download from
    	4.3 Installing Fixed Binaries
    	Upgrade the affected binaries with the following commands:
    	Download erg712032.pkg.Z to the /var/spool/pkg directory
    	# uncompress /var/spool/pkg/erg712032.pkg.Z
    	# pkgadd -d /var/spool/pkg/erg712032.pkg
    5. Open UNIX 8.0.0
    	5.1 Location of Fixed Binaries

    	5.2 Verification
    	MD5 (erg712032.pkg.Z) = b654e5f739056ba4a73e07646e88f049
    	md5 is available for download from
    	5.3 Installing Fixed Binaries
    	Upgrade the affected binaries with the following commands:
    	Download erg712032.pkg.Z to the /var/spool/pkg directory
    	# uncompress /var/spool/pkg/erg712032.pkg.Z
    	# pkgadd -d /var/spool/pkg/erg712032.pkg
    6. References
    	Specific references for this advisory:
    	Caldera security resources:
    	This security fix closes Caldera incidents sr863696, fz520821,
    7. Disclaimer
    	Caldera International, Inc. is not responsible for the
    	misuse of any of the information we provide on this website
    	and/or through our security advisories. Our advisories are
    	a service to our customers intended to promote secure
    	installation and use of Caldera products.
    8. Acknowledgements
    	Kevin Kotas of eSecurityOnline discovered this vulnerability.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jun 26 2002 - 18:27:31 PDT