Administrivia: Recent list delays

From: Dave Ahmad (daat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 15:01:03 PDT

  • Next message: Markus Friedl: "OpenSSH Security Advisory (adv.iss)"

    Dear subscribers,
    I regret to inform those who have not noticed already that there have been
    significant delays in distribution of Bugtraq traffic.  This was due
    to severe problems that we have been having with
    and our two outgoing mailservers.  It could not have come at a worse
    possible time.  Of most significance was the announcement from Theo de
    Raadt which was approved by me immediately after it hit my mailbox.
    Unfortunately it took more than 24 hours to hit the list.  During the delay,
    a small number of newer posts made it through due to prioritization
    of delivery for new messages over those that have been deferred.
    Please accept my apologies.  We have resolved the issues and the list is
    returning to normal.  Throughout last night and today, posts approved some
    time ago have been making their way to subscribers.  In the near future
    we plan to allocate servers dedicated to Bugtraq and delivery to its
    50,000+ subscribers.
    If you have any comments or feedback, please do not hestitate to contact
    me personally.
    Dave Ahmad

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jun 26 2002 - 21:48:40 PDT