NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-005: OpenSSH protocol version 2 challenge-response authentication

From: NetBSD Security Officer (security-officerat_private)
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 10:11:57 PDT

  • Next message: Juan M. Courcoul: "Re: Acrobat reader 5.05 temp file insecurity"

    		 NetBSD Security Advisory 2002-005
    Topic:		OpenSSH protocol version 2 challenge-response authentication
    Version:	NetBSD-current:	prior to May 14, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.6_BETAx: affected
    		NetBSD-1.5.2:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.5.1:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.5:	affected
    		NetBSD-1.4.*:	not affected (does not ship with OpenSSH)
    		pkgsrc:		packages prior to openssh-
    Severity:	high, remote root compromise
    Workaround:	NetBSD-current:		May 14, 2002
    		NetBSD-1.6 branch:	partial by default (priv sep)
    		NetBSD-1.5 branch:	instructions below, OpenSSH 3 and later
    		pkgsrc:			June 25, 2002 (with openssh-
    Fixed:		NetBSD-current:		June 26, 2002 (OpenSSH 3.4)
    		NetBSD-1.6 branch:	June 26, 2002 (OpenSSH 3.4)
    		NetBSD-1.5 branch:	June 26, 2002 (patch on advisory)
    		pkgsrc:			June 26, 2002 (with openssh-
    		Version string "NetBSD_Secure_Shell-20020626" will identify
    		that the fix is in place.
    OpenSSH has a vulnerability in protocol version 2 challenge-response
    authentication.  OpenSSH 3.4 must be installed to completely overcome the
    Technical Details
    Vulnerability itself:
    CERT CA-2002-18
    Solutions and Workarounds
    Some workarounds are available, which may somewhat mitigate the risk:
     - Turn off challenge-response authentication by having the following
       in sshd_config:
    	ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
       On some systems, the following option is also required together
       with the above. It is not relevant for NetBSD.
    	PAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt no
       Note that turning these features off will disable SSH logins via
       S/Key (OTP) authentication.  Compiling OpenSSH without support for
       S/Key and PAM authentication will also eliminate this
     - If you do not require SSH Protocol version 2 support, disabling it
       will eliminate the vulnerable codepath. Remember that version 1 is
       considered significantly less secure than version 2, and this
       workaround is not recommended for long term use. Additionally, if
       your users use version 2 authentication methods, they will be unable
       to connect.
     - The new Privelege Separation feature (available since OpenSSH
       3.2.x) has been promoted as a potential mitigation of this issue.
       This feature is available in NetBSD-current as of May 14th, and is
       enabled by default.
       Privilege Separation might provide a benefit, potentially
       preventing this or future vulnerabilities from being root exploits,
       and limiting their nature to a denial of service.  Although a
       useful defensive feature, this is not guaranteed, expecially given
       the implementation has not yet met the test of time.
       Do not avoid patching this issue simply because you have enabled
       Privelege Separation.
       Effect of privilege separation:
    The following instructions describe how to upgrade your OpenSSH
    binaries by updating your source tree and rebuilding and
    installing a new version.
    Releases of NetBSD 1.5.3 and NetBSD 1.6 are imminent. This is a reminder
    to consider upgrading when they are available, if you are running
    anything older than NetBSD 1.5.3.  Many security-related improvements
    have been made.
    To check if your system has a vulnerable version of sshd, run "sshd -V"
    (it is an invalid argument, but it will present the version number).
    Any version dated "NetBSD_Secure_Shell-20020626" or later will identify
    that the fix is in place.
    Although workarounds were provided above, update your binaries to make
    very sure that you don't have vulnerable binaries around.  
    * NetBSD-current:
    	Systems running NetBSD-current dated from before 2002-05-13
    	should be upgraded to NetBSD-current dated 2002-05-14 or later
    	if you wish to use privilege separation support as a stopgap measure.
    	It is recommended to update to source dated 2002-06-26 for a
    	complete fix (with OpenSSH 3.4).
    	The following directories need to be updated from the
    	netbsd-current CVS branch (aka HEAD):
    	To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P crypto/dist/ssh usr.bin/ssh
    		# cd usr.bin/ssh
    		# make cleandir dependall
    		# make install
    	You also need to have an sshd UID and GID, as well as /var/chroot/sshd
    	directory (chroot jail), as below:
    		Create a group, with /usr/sbin/groupadd, or vi /etc/group
    		Create a user, with vipw, or /usr/sbin/useradd
    		sshd:*:16:16::0:0:sshd privsep:/var/chroot/sshd:/sbin/nologin
    		Create the directory /var/chroot/sshd
    	Make sure you have "UsePrivilegeSeparation yes" in your
    	/etc/ssh/sshd_config (or it can be commented out, as the default value
    	is "yes"), to mitigate future issues.
    * NetBSD 1.6 and beta:
    	Systems running NetBSD 1.6 beta systems have OpenSSH privilege
    	separation turned on by default, follow the workaround section
    	as approriate for your environment, and upgrade to source dated
    	2002-06-26 (with OpenSSH 3.4) to close this vulnerability.
    	NetBSD 1.6 will ship with OpenSSH 3.4, which has a complete fix.
    	The following directories need to be updated from the
    	netbsd-1-6 CVS branch:
    	To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P crypto/dist/ssh usr.bin/ssh
    		# cd usr.bin/ssh
    		# make cleandir dependall
    		# make install
    	The sshd user, group, and chroot jail directories should already exist
    	in a 1.6 installation.
    * NetBSD 1.5, 1.5.1, 1.5.2:
    	Systems running NetBSD 1.5.* releases dated from before
    	2002-06-26 should be upgraded to sources dated 2002-06-26
    	or later.  Sources on the branch after that date include changes
    	presented in the following advisory:
    	NOTE: the upgrade process will pull in changes presented in this
    	advisory.  Therefore, (1) it won't get you OpenSSH 3.4, (2) It
    	won't make your sshd support privilege separation.  If you need
    	to enable privilege separation, install OpenSSH from pkgsrc
    	The following directories need to be updated from the
    	netbsd-1-5 CVS branch:
    	To update from CVS, re-build, and re-install:
    		# cd src
    		# cvs update -d -P crypto/dist/ssh usr.bin/ssh
    		# cd usr.bin/ssh
    		# make cleandir dependall
    		# make install
    * pkgsrc: (All systems, including NetBSD 1.4.*)
    	For a complete fix, openssh- or later should be
    	installed from pkgsrc/security/openssh.  See above, as well as
    	console messages during pkgsrc build, for instructions to enable
    	privilege separation functionality.
    Thanks To
    Markus Friedl and Jun-ichiro itojun Hagino for patches, and initial
    advisory text.
    Revision History
    	2002-06-26	Initial release
    More Information
    An up-to-date PGP signed copy of this release will be maintained at
    Information about NetBSD and NetBSD security can be found at
    http://www.NetBSD.ORG/ and http://www.NetBSD.ORG/Security/.
    Copyright 2002, The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
    $NetBSD: NetBSD-SA2002-005.txt,v 1.25 2002/06/27 14:27:43 david Exp $
    Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (NetBSD)
    Comment: For info see
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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