Re: Apache worm in the wild

From: flynnat_private
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 04:38:34 PDT

  • Next message: Domas Mituzas: "Apache worm in the wild"

    On Fri, Jun 28, 2002 at 01:01:32PM +0200, Domas Mituzas wrote:
    > our honeypot systems trapped new apache worm(+trojan) in the wild. It
    > traverses through the net, and installs itself on all vulnerable apaches
    > it finds. No source code available yet, but I put the binaries into public
    Wow, an interesting puppy. I just ran it through dasm to get the
    assembler dump. The executable is not even stripped, and makes an
    interesting read, as it gives lots of information. It looks like it was
    either coded by someone with little experience or in a hurry, and there
    are several system calls like this one:
    Possible reference to string:
    "/usr/bin/uudecode -p /tmp/.uua > /tmp/.a;killall -9 .a;chmod +x /tmp/.a;killall -9 .a;/
    tmp/.a %s;exit;"
    I wonder how many variants of this kind of thing we'll see, but I assume most people 
    running Apache have upgraded already.
            Miguel Mendez - flynnat_private
            GPG Public Key ::
            EnergyHQ ::
            Of course it runs NetBSD!

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