Cluestick Advisory #001

From: cluestickat_private
Date: Thu Jun 27 2002 - 03:38:57 PDT

  • Next message: Ken.Williamsat_private: "Re: Apache mod_ssl off-by-one vulnerability"

    Cluestick Advisory #001
    June 27, the year of our Lord 2002
    "Unauthenticated remote hyper-annoying denial of service
    with a side of server reboot, using IManage. Netware 6.0 
    and NW6 SP1."
    OK, I may possibly ramble a bit, but is that any reason to
    SHUN a body?  It's been 30 to 45 days, and I've yet to hear 
    a peep from anyone out there in FedUpWithVendorLand.  
    It can't be my breath; I'm all, like, minty fresh.
    Oh cripes! - I had my chronometer set to "ISS Time".  That's  
    approximately "6.21 * DogYears" by your Earth reckoning, or 
    "a couple of hours" in the common tongue.  "Live fast, burn
    your bridges, make a ton o' cash", that's the life fer me, 
    mateys!  But let's just TURN DOWN those gilacopters for a 
    moment and take a deep, calming breath.  Here we go.
    Before y'all bring it up, I _know_ I was supposedly covering
    a Netware 5.1 & 6 "issue".  What am I though, the freakin'
    Alexis D. Tokeblaster Thinktank?  Nope; just an annoyed geek 
    with poor organizational skills.  Today's offering is a NW6 
    DoS cuz I've yet to misplace those notes. You try to cope, 
    I'll try to be more perfect next time.
    OW, ow, owww - Make Him Stop!  I can just hear it!  Don't 
    panic, dude.  Just unload IManage until Novell gets it 
    unwedged.  It won't kill you to go "old fashioned" for awhile.  
    Novell cares, they won't leave you hangin.  
    << Just in case, one of you $$$-types might wanna pony up the 
    $300.00 though, huh?  Hey, I wonder if you get your money back 
    if it's not a *new* bug?  Feeling... lucky? >>
    OK, for real.  This is *so* lame I was sure that it'd be fixed
    in SP1.  (Is Novell hiring away MS Coding Talent?  Inquiring 
    minds suspect it) <sigh>  Here goes:
    Fire up your World Wide Web Browser <*snort*> and aim it at
    IManage.  Enter 256 * 'A' in the username field and anything in 
    the remaining fields.  Send it.  This simple DoS will unload 
    IManage and yield a pagefault in java.  To wit:
    java: Page fault processor exception occurred while executing 
    class org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main
    The exception occurred while executing code in: JVM.NLM 
    The exception occurred while running thread: Java_221 Thread-1 
    java: Class org.apache.tomcat.startup.Main exited with status -5
    Reboot the server and you can play again!  This time we're a 
    gonna get us some stack!
    Username field, 256*'A' +BBBBBCCCCC etc. gives stack dump of:
    44 00 44 00 44 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00 45 00...  Kewl.
    Let's try the same lame stunt with "Context": and the stack is 
    all, like:
    43 00 43 00 43 00 43 00 43 00 44 00 44 00 44 00...
    But, golly, can't we stuff things into stack and not get that 
    goony Unicode treatment?  Yeah, since you asked so nice:
    297*'A'+... stuffed into "tree" and you might tend to see a 
    stack like:
    49 49 49 49 4A 4A 4A 4A 4A 4B 4B 4B 4B 4B 4C 4C...
    "Boooring!"  "Put it out of it's misery!"  
    Why not? "context", 600 * 'A'
    Abend on P00: Page fault...
    Running process: Java_222 Thread-1 Process
    Stack: 41 00 41 00 41 00 etc.
    (select X to update ABEND log and exit)
    That's gotta be enough joy to spread for now.  Greetz to all
    the dogs and kitties, wherever they may be, and a shout to 
    those RevCo boys and The Reg, and snears to the gready mofos 
    at Worldcom.
    P.S.  For those who glossed over CS 000, this ignorant crap
    will cease when I can send an advisory to Novell and not have
    'em say "please bend over first".
    Surreal -- cluestickat_private
    Yes, there's more of this stuff in the pipeline.  Sit tight.
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Jun 28 2002 - 21:16:08 PDT